PhD Position in Marine Science

1. The PhD program will be carried out as a collaboration between the strategic area “Marine and maritime technology” (NTNU), CeSOS and CREATE.

2. Possible topics for the three PhD fellowships:
a. Title 01: Load on, deformation of and available oxygen in a system of net cages. Change in flow properties due to presence of fish, main shape of a net cage, solidity and system of net cages. Discipline: Marine Hydrodynamics/Aquaculture technology

b. Title 02: Application of novel model and analysis techniques like fluid-structure interaction methods to calculate load and response on a highly flexible structure like a fish farming net cage. Discipline: Marine Hydrodynamics/Aquaculture technology

c. Title 03: Environmental impacts of large scale fish farming. Development of criteria for sustainable marine fish farming. Discipline: Marine Systems/Aquaculture technology
3. Application deadline: 1 December 2009.

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