Postdoctoral Position in Biological Science

  1. The Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM) is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the pursuit of first class research in the area of biomedical sciences. It is located on the campus of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon; it is associated with the National Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
  2. The newly formed group of Marta Rosario, in association with the group of Tiago Outeiro, is looking for a creative and enthusiastic
  3. Postdoctoral Scientist: The group is interested in the molecular mechanisms regulating neuronal development and function in the mammalian cortex, and in particular in the function of the newly identified NOMA-GAP proteins (M. Rosario, JCB 2007) in this process.
  4. The successful candidate will be provided with generous funding for consumables and one technical assistant (part of a recently awarded FCT grant) and is expected to apply, together with the group leader, for an FCT grant to fund his/her own position. Short visits to international collaborator labs for acquiring new techniques may be required and are funded.
  5. Expected candidate background: Excellent Ph.D. in a biological science. Previous postdoctoral experience abroad would be an advantage.
  6. Skills required: Experience with mouse work and primary cell culture, in particular in the area of neurobiology. Fluent English.
  7. Please send your CV, publication record and brief description of your research experience and interests to: Dr. Marta Rosario ( by 30 April 2010.
  8. Ref.

Teaching Assistantships University Rovirai Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

  1. We invite highly qualified applicants who wish to continue their studies towards a PhD. Applicants with a M.Eng. or M.Sc. would be considered for admission. However a specialization in Chemical Engineering or related field is recommended.
  2. We offer a limited number of teaching assistantships for the most qualified applicants, renewable on an annual basis for a maximum of 3 years.
  3. Applicants with their own funding or candidates with external fellowships are welcome.
  4. More info at:
  5. Closing Date: 30 April 2010

PhD positions at National Institute for Agricultural Research

1.                  Approximately 1800 PhD students are hosted in INRA’s research units.
Doctoral students are a vital part of the scientific production of the Institute. The research units which host them carry out their role of training in and through research.
2.                  Each year, more than 500 doctoral students join INRA, all remunerated on contracts and in most cases associated with various private and public partners.
3.                  INRA is proposing special contracts in 2010
These contracts offer doctoral students particularly attractive conditions in terms of the duration of the contract and remuneration:
4.                  Recruitment of Associate Scientists on Contract: Associate Scientists on Contract (ASC) are recruited to carry out a thesis at INRA on subjects combining modelling and agronomic issues.
5.                  INRA is recruiting 3 ASC in 2010
a.       These Associate Scientists receive a three-year contract which can be renewed once (3 years), on condition that the person successfully obtains his/her thesis.
b.      ASC have attractive remuneration conditions. At the beginning of the contract, the doctoral student receives 1889€ (gross) per month. The remuneration progresses each year to reach a maximum of 2373€ (gross) per month. An annual bonus of 796€ is paid half-yearly.
c.       The ASC is hosted in the research unit specified in the profile of the position and enrols in the doctoral school to which the unit is affiliated.
d.      The ASC is supervised by the heads of the research unit in which he/she is hosted and by a thesis committee to which he/she will present his/her work two or three times a year.
e.       In accordance with the principle of geographical mobility provided for in the Charter for Young Scientists recruited on contract by INRA, the ASC is hosted in a new research centre after obtaining his/her thesis.

Scholarship by Bayer Young Environmental Envoy

  1. BYEE Program now in its 7th year in Indonesia, If you are an Indonesian citizen, between 18 to 24 years old, single, and presently enrolled in a college/university, and with a passion for the environment, take up the challenge to become a Bayer Young Environmental Envoy!
  2. Deserving students from all over Indonesia will be selected to be Bayer Young Environmental Envoys (BYEE) and will participate in a live-in Eco-camp that is held in a local venue. The top four envoys will join youth delegates from 18 other countries around the world on a weeklong all-expense paid trip to Germany on November 7 – 12, 2010.
  3. It will be an opportunity to gain new insights on the broad spectrum of environmental protection measures employed by industry, municipalities, and the state environmental authorities in Germany.
  4. Who is eligible
    1. Indonesian citizen, College/University student enrolled in any institution as of April 1, 2010 (students graduating in April 2010 are eligible to join)
    2. 18 to 24 years old by September 1, 2010
    3. Actively involved in environmental activities or projects
    4. Willing to travel overseas
    5. Should be able to work well within a group
    6. Good oral and written English communications skills
  5. Children and relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity, or persons, whether they are related or not, living with any of the following are not eligible to join the contest:
    1. Employees of Bayer, their agencies or independent contractors engaged in the project
    2. Individuals or companies engaged in the development, production, or distribution of materials for the project
  6. How to join
    Financial crises and economic downturns spell tough times for the environment. Safeguarding the planet at a time of economic recession is often seen as a luxury, and at times, a burden on economic recovery and development. On the other hand, reality has shown that the Earth itself is what ultimately controls economic activity because it is the source of the materials upon which economic activity works.
  7. Write your individual proposal, therefore, for a simple environmental project in your community or school which demonstrates that environmental protection and economic growth can go hand in hand.
  • In no more than 100 words, describe the current situation and environment related problems in your local area or school.
  • Name a few practical solutions to the problem that either government/industry/NGOs or your school/community has so far carried out.
  • Draw up a personal project you intend to do to help alleviate this problem, and state your objectives and deliverables.
  • Indicate resource requirements like budget, manpower, facilities, as well as institutions/groups involved, making sure that all necessary resources are within your reach. Compare resources and costs with the benefits you expect to gain.
  • In no more than 200 words, say how this project can be beneficial for both the economy and the environment. Explain also why your environmental project makes economic sense.
 8.        Procedures/rules
  • Fill out the entry form and attach a 4×6 cm color photo of yourself.
  • Attach the following documents: certificate of cumulative GPA (IPK, minimum 2.5) from your institution, copies of identification card (KTP/SIM), and proof of environmental award (if there is any) received.
  • All entries must be accompanied by a project proposal. Incomplete application form and entry requirements will not be processed.
  • Secure the endorsement of a faculty member OR the school academic department head OR college/university dean OR academic vice-president OR president.
  • All applications should reach Bayer by May 19, 2010.
  • Project proposals must be written in English and double-spaced. Handwritten or e-mail entries will not be accepted.
  • Project proposals, which are adaptations/upgrades of already existing projects are acceptable, but the entry will be judged solely on the basis of new elements introduced and their added value. Pre-existing work or accomplishments prior to the official start-up date will not be given any credit.
  • Successful finalists shall be asked to begin implementing their respective projects by June 25, 2010. A premature start of the proposed project will be grounds for disqualification.
  • While the project proposal should be the applicant’s own concept, the project itself may be carried out by any number of people, with the applicant taking significant role in its implementation.
  • The project must be completed or come close to completion by September 22, 2010.
  • The judges’ decision is final for all aspects of the competition.
9.         Judging and selecting
  • Applicants will be shortlisted based on the content of their project, leadership and environmental know-how and involvement.
  • A panel of judges will interview each of the shortlisted candidates to determine their intelligence and understanding of environmental issues, their communication and people skills, as well as the feasibility of their project proposals.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed. PT Bayer Indonesia will bear all costs for the travel, meals, and accommodations of shortlisted candidates going to the interview.
  • Successful applicants who qualify for the final round will be required to attend an environmental live-in workshop called the BYEE Eco-Camp. All charges for the travel, accommodations, and upkeep of participants will be shouldered by PT Bayer Indonesia.
  • At the end of the Eco-Camp, the finalists will be asked to make a presentation before another panel of judges. They will be given the formal title of Bayer Young Environmental Envoy at an awarding ceremony.
  • Four of these finalists will be declared as the Top 4 Bayer Young Environmental Envoys and will be given the opportunity to participate in a weeklong all-expense paid study trip to Germany on November 7-12, 2010.
10.              All applications should reach Bayer by May 19, 2010
11.              Please read the application form thoroughly. Online or e-mail applications will not be accepted and only complete application forms will be considered. Applications should be sent to:
Corporate Communications
PT Bayer Indonesia
MidPlaza I, 12th Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 10-11
Jakarta 10220
12.              For more information, call PT Bayer Indonesia at Tel. 021 570 3661 extension 1367 or Fax. 021 570 3660

PhD position in Informatics, Scotland, UK

  1. International prize studentships for PhD research 2010
    Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance
  2. The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance ( is a collaboration of leading Scottish Universities whose aim is to work together to consolidate and extend Scotland's position as an international research leader in computer science and informatics. As part of this, the Scottish Graduate Academy in Informatics and Computer Science offers up to 20 international prize studentships per year to outstanding candidates who wish to study for a PhD in Scotland.
  3. These studentships are open to excellent students from any country. There are no residency or citizenship requirements. We will consider applicants in any area of computer science and informatics but may give preference to students who are working in SICSA theme areas (
  • Next-generation Internet
  • Multi-modal interaction
  • Modelling and abstraction
  • Complex systems engineering
  1. SICSA prize studentships are worth around £18, 000 per year for 3 years. They include support for living expenses of at least £12, 940, research expenses and a contribution towards postgraduate fees at the UK standard Home/EU rate (currently £3400). Students who are not UK/EU residents must pay the higher overseas student fee of around £11,500 per year. However, if you are awarded a SICSA studentship, you may apply to the admitting university for additional support to cover the difference in fees. The award of a SICSA studentship does not guarantee such support.

PhD positions in MULTIMOD project in europe

  1. Position applications: The network will provide unique cross- and multi-disciplinary training opportunities. Researchers applying for a position are requested to email their CV accompanied by a letter of motivation and two letters of recommendation at the contact person of the host institution.
  2. All applicants shall also be requested to provide proof that, at the time of recruitment, are eligible for initial training and that they fulfill the conditions of nationality and mobility as specified in page 13 of the 'Guide for Applicants' for Marie Curie ITNs. Researchers will be allowed to apply for no more than two different positions, either at the same or different organizations of the network.
  3. The deadline for applications is the 20th of April 2010.
  4. Selected fellows will be notified at least one month before the job starting date. It is expected that appointed reserachers will be hired from February 2010. Appointments in the MULTIMOD network will last for 36 months. In order to receive complementary training on their respective topics, appointed researchers may be required to spend a secondment period of 3-6 months to one or more institutions as described in the following schedule.
  5. Ref.

  • PhD positions at SISSA, Trieste, Italy

      Academic Year 2010/2011
      Deadline: 1st April, 2010
    2. SISSA offers opportunities for carrying out Ph.D studies in:
      1. Applied Mathematics
        Astroparticle Physics
        Functional and Structural Genomics
        Mathematical Analysis
        Mathematical Physics
        Neuroscience (Neurobiology / Cognitive Neuroscience)
        Physics and Chemistry of Biological Systems
        Statistical Physics
        Theory of Elementary Particles
        Theory and Numerical Simulation of Condensed Matter
    3. The Ph.D. courses in Astroparticle Physics, Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Theory of Elementary Particles start in October; all other courses start in November of each year. They last 3 years and may be extended for a fourth year, subject to approval by the School authorities.
    4. Students who are not citizens of European Union member states have two possibilities to be admitted to SISSA as a Ph.D student:
    5. 1) to pass the regular entrance examination (written and oral) held in Trieste.
      Details can be found at the web page:

    Postdoctoral position in Computational Chemistry (South Africa)

      1. A postdoc in computational chemistry is urgently required.
      2. Experience with large scale calculations (MM/QM) and docking studies will be an advantage.
      3. The main project will involve host-guest calculations of new HIV-protease inhibitors and the wild type C-SA II HIV protease enzyme. To apply, please send your CV with covering letter to: .
      4. More information about the details of the position can also be obtained from the same email address.
      5. For further details please visit our website:
      6. Closing Date: 31 March 2010
      7. UKZN, Chemistry, South Africa
    1. PDF Positions
    3. PhD Positions 
    5. Scientist Positions 
    7. Faculty Positions 
    9. Other Fellowship 
    11. Funding
    13. Chemistry
    15. Acadmic News 
    17. Chemistry
    19. Physics
    21. Science
    23. Agriculture
    25. Health
    27. Engineering
    29. Social Science 
    31. Arts and Humanities 

    Ph.D. Position in Norway and Japan at NTNU

    1. We primary seek candidates with a Master in Materials Science or Solid State Physics, motivated for experimental activities in the fields of aluminum alloys according to a BILAT project between Norway and Japan.
    2. The purpose of the bilateral project, called ‘Norwegian-Japanese Al-Mg-Si Alloy Precipitation Project’, is as follows: ‘The primary objective is to identify impact of selected trace elements on precipitation and study vacancies in relation to trace elements in Al-Mg-Si alloys. This will be done in a bilateral Norwegian/Japanese research collaboration between Norway (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) / SINTEF / Hydro Aluminum) and Japan (University of Toyama /Tokyo institute of Technology). Building up competence to understand these fundamental issues will be of general importance for the light metals community and can assist Hydro in increasing the quality and reduce the energy consumption in their future Aluminum products’.
    3. The PhD project is called ‘Vacancies in aluminum alloys in a context of trace elements and recycling’. Here experiments and calculations will be used to focus on vacancies, how they bind with solute, their effects on diffusion, nucleation of precipitates, in special relation to the trace elements in 6xxx alloys. In this study we aim at detecting vacancies (indirectly or directly) preferably via solute-vacancy pairs. To study some features of the vacancies various advanced microscopy analytical techniques like scanning TEM (STEM), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) may be used.
    4. The more recent techniques Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy (PAS) / Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS) are probably most significant, because they are specially suited for the study of vacancies or pores in materials. Here one aim is to find the factors that make it possible to control the strength increase taking place at room temperature just after cooling from extrusion (prior to final ageing). This is believed to be driven solely by vacancies. Studying vacancies is a challenging task. However, with the use of several independent methods, the combination of the two projects, the previous experience in precipitation and precipitate structure for these alloys, and at last, the long industrial research with these materials, it is expected that new insights will be achieved.
    5. Experience in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and other advanced characterization methods is useful. Depending on chosen topics and project needs, and the candidates’ background and qualifications, the position will be allocated either to the Materials Science or the Physics department in NTNU.

    Post-doc position in Etiology and Pathogenesis of venous thrombosis at the Portuguese National Institute of Health (INSA)

      1.     Main research field: Thrombotic disorders
      2.     Fellowship conditions: The first year of the fellowship is financed by the FCT project entitled “The ethiology and pathogenesis of venous thrombosis in the Portuguese “in risk” population: From clinical manifestations to identification of hereditary risk and protective factors as well as exogenous or ambiental factors”. Further funding of this Postdoctoral fellowship (an additional 2 or 3 years) can be obtained through an individual application of the postdoctoral fellow with the research group to the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) postdoctoral grants (BPD;
      3.     Additional details of the fellowship are available at the same site. The amount of the fellowship is 1.495/month.
      4.     Development, transfer and/or implementation of new molecular and/or biochemical tools, including gene expression and genome-wide association studies, to be used in the screening and in-depth characterization of patients affected with thrombotic disorders.
      5.     Qualifications and Experience: Candidates need to have a PhD degree, and will be selected based on their experience in a field related with the topic of the application, publication record, motivation, interview performance and “abilities assessment” (only for short-listed applicants).
      6.     Applications should include a CV, a motivation letter, a one-page synopsis of current research, and the names and contacts of at least two senior researchers for reference (optionally including recommendation letters) and can be submitted in Portuguese or English.
      1. Closing date for application: 30th of March 2010.
      2. Both, unsuccessful and shortlisted applicants will be notified by email.
      3. Applications should be sent by 30th of March to
      Dezsö David Ph.D.,
      Department of Genetics
      National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge
      Av. Padre Cruz, 1649-016 Lisboa
      Fax: (+351) 217526410
      Telephone: (+351) 217519322

    PhD positions in Biotechnology

    1. BioToP offers an inter- and multi-disciplinary research-based doctoral education at the interface of basic and applied science in the field of protein biotechnology.
    2. BioToP offers a challenging scientific environment with state-of-the-art facilities and provides comprehensive and thorough up-to-date research training in the fields of:
      1. structure-function analysis, engineering and design of proteins
      2. protein synthesis, targeting and post-translational modifications
      3. expression systems and cell factories
      4. bioinformatics and molecular modeling
    3. The BioToP-specific educational programme comprises lectures, seminars and instructional courses that complement the research work in the participating groups.
    4. Highly qualified and motivated students of any nationality are invited to apply for the 3-year studentships. Funding will be according to the salary scheme of the Austrian Science Fund. Additionally students will receive funding for research stays abroad and for the participation at international conferences.
    5. Further information on research projects as well as application guidelines and forms are available at:
    6. Application deadline: May 15th, 2010

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