Japanese Government: MEXT Scholarships

Japanese Government: MEXT Scholarships: Japanese Government; The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) offers scholarships to international students who seek to study

Green Talents (Master’s/PhD): International students

Green Talents (Master’s/PhD): International students: The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) invite applications for the prestigious ”Green Talents–International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development” to promote the international exchange of innovative green ideas.

Kingswood University Scholarships: Canada

Kingswood University Scholarships: Canada: Kingswood University Scholarships, 2021-2022 The scholarships apply to international and domestic students who will be joining the campus for any

Masters, Graduate and Postdoctoral: University of Guelph

Masters, Graduate and Postdoctoral: University of Guelph: Diploma, Masters, Graduate and Postdoctoral: University of Guelph Description Academic Programs – By Program A collaborative specialization is an intra-university

IIT Gandhinagar: Faculty Recruitments

IIT Gandhinagar: Faculty Recruitments: Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar: IIT Gandhinagar keen on recruiting those individuals who have demonstrated excellence in research and teaching,

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