Junior Lecturer in Chemistry

1. Department for Analytical, Inorganic, and Applied Chemistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland, we have an opening for Junior Lecturer (MaƮtre-Assistant) in the area of analytical or physical chemistry.

2. The preferred research areas are surface-based sensors, structured interfaces, functional nanoparticles, or polyelectrolytes, or modeling of these systems. Teaching duties involve participation in analytical chemistry courses and laboratories. The planned activities must integrate into the research program of the Laboratory of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, and rely on the available equipment, including atomic force microscopy, light scattering, electrophoresis, reflectivity, ellipsometry, or quartz-crystal microbalance.

3. Prerequisites are PhD in chemistry, physics, engineering, or a related area, an outstanding scientific record, and in depth experience in at least one of the fields or techniques mentioned above. Knowledge in computer programming and mathematical modeling is welcome.

4. Enthusiasm for top-quality research and teaching is as important as outstanding oral and written communications skills.

5. Earliest starting date is August 1, 2008, or as agreed. The review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position is filled.

If you are interested, please, email a notice of interest with your CV and 2-3 professional references to Michal.Borkovec@unige.ch

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