PhD in Design of bio-inspired nanopores at University of Groningen


1. Place: Molecular Dynamics Group, University of Groningen
Promotor: Prof. S.J. Marrink
Duration: 4 years
Start: july-dec 2009
Applications: email CV to

2. Requirements: solid background in biophysics

3. Abstract: In a collaborative project, pH-sensitive, light-modulated and redox switches will be conjugated into pore forming peptides, peptide mimics and channel proteins to engineer selectivity and to allow controlled opening and closing of the pore. Lipids will be designed and synthesized that form robust membranes which are suitable hosts for the peptides and proteins. The PhD student will apply multiscale Molecular Dynamics simulations techniques to analyse the pore properties and help in the design of this promising class of bio-inspired nanopores.

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