Postdoctoral fellowship in Greece

1.      Applications are invited for research positions in the context of the FP7-Regional Potential project “Advancement of Research Capability for the Development of New Functional Compounds” (ARCADE) implemented at the Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece (
2.      The ARCADE project addresses specific objectives designed to have maximal impact on the IOPC’s research activities and we are therefore seeking to recruit scientists to carry out research focussing on the design and synthesis of functional compounds with potential applications in medicinal chemistry, catalysis and materials science.
3.      More specifically the positions available are as follows :
4.      One researcher for the synthesis of dendrimeric macromolecules and the study of their interactions with low molecular weight compounds by Mass Spectrometry and NMR.
5.      One researcher for protein expression, purification, characterisation and study of protein-ligand interactions with biochemical and biophysical techniques.
6.      One researcher for NMR spectroscopy and in silico methodologies towards screening of potential drug molecules and structure determination.
7.      One researcher for the synthesis of bioactive compounds and compound libraries.
8.      One researcher for the synthesis of organic nanomolecular materials with strong expertise in synthetic organic chemistry while experience in dendrimer synthesis and/or microwave/ultrasound techniques is desirable.
9.      One researcher for asymmetric catalysis and the synthesis of chiral ligands and bioactive compounds.
10.  One researcher for computational chemistry as applied to the design of bioactive molecules and photonic materials.
11.  The posts will initially be for a period of one year with the possibility of renewal. The maximum duration of the appointments will be 36 months.
12.  Gross salary will be up to € 30000 per annum.
13.  Applications, specifying which position is being applied for, should be e-mailed to or and should include a full CV with list of publications and the names and addresses of two referees.
14.  Dead line of applications is the 10th of February 2010.
15.  NHRF is an equal opportunity employer and women scientists are encouraged to apply.

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