PhD studentship in Biology


1. A PhD studentship is available immediately in the Structural Biology Group at the ESRF (

2. The goal is to further the knowledge of the mechanism of phosphoryl transfer as catalysed by phosphoryl transferase enzymes. To reveal the fine details of the reaction mechanism you will study enzyme - transition state analogue complexes by combining high-resolution X-ray crystallography with solution 19F –NMR.

3. The combination of these techniques has already provided a model for the reaction mechanism of b-phosphoglucomutase and the study will now be extended to systems, in particular protein kinases, that are important as potential targets in the treatment of cancer. The studentship is based in the Structural Biology Group at the ESRF which provides state of the art facilities through the Partnership for Structural Biology (

4. The work is a collaboration with the group of Prof. Jonathan Waltho, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of Sheffield, UK ( where the 19F –NMR experiments will be conducted.

5. The studentship will provide extensive training in Molecular Biology and two important techniques in Structural Biology – X-ray Crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. Specific training will be given in:

a. Cloning genes and site directed mutagenesis
b. Protein expression and purification
c. Crystallisation and crystal structure determination of proteins in complex with metallofluorides
d. 19F –NMR spectroscopy of protein metallofluoride complexes
Place of Work: ESRF in Grenoble
Supervisors: Dr. Matthew Bowler, T: +33 (0)4 76 88 29 28, email:
Prof. Jonathan Waltho, T: +44 (0) 114 222 2717,

6. You should hold a degree such as a BSc, MSc, Master 2 de Recherche, Laurea or equivalent in Biochemistry, Chemistry or Physics allowing enrolment for a PhD.

7. Contract of two years renewable (subject to satisfactory progress) for one year. Gross salary around 2181 €/month. (The applicant will be responsible for arranging his/her academic registration and for paying the fees (if any)). The ESRF is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from disabled persons.

8. If you are interested, please send us a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or an e-mail ( with your address, and we will provide you with an application form. Or print out an application form on the World Wide Web In addition to the application form, you should provide us with a detailed CV and the names of two referees.

9. Ref. CFR349 - Deadline for returning application forms: 27 September 2009

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