Position for Scientific Software Developer, SCM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1.  SCM, a scientific software company located in Amsterdam and operating in the area of computational quantum chemistry and materials science, is about to receive a grant from the EU for a 4-year collaboration with Prof. Heine's group at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany to develop new methods for quantum simulations of nanoscale systems. 
2.  A 4-year position will be created at SCM for an [experienced] scientific software developer with a PhD degree in a relevant field. Permanent employment at SCM in Amsterdam is envisaged,  though not guaranteed, afterwards.
3.  The 1st and 4th years will be spent in Amsterdam and years 2 and 3 in Bremen. 
4.    An intensive collaboration with the Heine group is part of the job. 
5.    The developer's tasks will include a mixture of development, implementation, testing, porting, documenting, and debugging work, primarily in SCM's new software programs dealing with thousands of atoms.
6.    Requirements:
  * The key point: excellent programming skills - experience in writing modular, reusable, efficient quality code is crucially important
  * Willingness to work for two years in Prof. Heine's group in Bremen and return for (at least) one year to Amsterdam afterwards
  * Experience in quantum chemistry, electronic structure theory (DFT or approximate methods), and/or molecular dynamics
  * Ph.D. degree in relevant field (e.g. computational physics, materials science, or quantum chemistry), with preferably a few years of postdoc experience (more experienced candidates may also be considered)with focus on method and software development
  * Good written and verbal communication skills in the English language
Desirable additional knowledge and experience:
  * Experience with programming in a team, in a large-scale software package (>100,000 lines of code)
        * Working knowledge of Fortran(90)
  * Experience with one or more of: high-performance computing, parallel programming, GPGPU programming, linear scaling methods
  * Knowledge of DFTB or semi-empirical methodology, or hybrid methods such as QM/MM
        * Experience in methods for dynamics simulations
        * Knowledge of ADF or BAND (especially source code)
        * Technical skills (UNIX, scripting languages, debugging, etc.)
  * Willingness to occassionally travel for ADF promotion and being capable of properly representing ADF at such events (e.g. workshop)
  * Team player, with good two-way communication skills, highly self-motivated and able to work independently with excellent time management skills.
What we offer: The position is available immediately, with some flexibility concerning the starting date. 
  Salary and secondary benefits (including pension fund, 30+ holidays/year) will be competitive, with the two years in Bremen 
  being compensated according to attractive EU conditions including mobility allowances etc. 
  Tax benefits (30% of salary tax-free) should be available for a successful candidate from abroad. 
  This is a full-time position in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Bremen, Germany. 
  A qualified candidate may be offered - during the two years in Bremen - a position as junior group leader to independently supervise graduate students and carry out research according to the QUASINANO project.
  Full information available at the SCM web site: http://www.scm.com/News/DeveloperJob.html
  Those interested in this position are encouraged to contact Dr. Stan van Gisbergen, 
  SCM's Chief Executive Officer (vangisbergen at scm dot com, tel: +31-20-5987626) for further information. Job applications can be sent by E-mail to the same address until February 28, 2010, but preferably sooner. Applications should contain a CV, a letter explaining the motivation for applying and, if applicable, a list of publications. 
References may be requested at a later stage.

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