Individual Doctoral Grants 2009

Fellowships and Grants
Call for Application to Individual Doctoral Grants 2009
In accordance with the Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources, and taking into account the Research Grant Holder Statute, published by Law no. 40/2004 of August 18, the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) opens a call for funding of individual grants of the following type:
The Call for funding of individual Post-doctoral Grants (BPD) will be publicized shortly, in a specific announcement, and is tentatively expected to open on June 2nd.
Doctoral Grants (BD)
These grants target holders of a university degree who are accepted as doctoral students in a Portuguese or foreign university.
The grants are funded by Programa Operacional Potencial Humano of QREN Portugal 2007-2013 and by the national budget through MCTES.
The individual applications must be submitted by electronic means, using the form available at:
The Regulations are available at:

Institute of Chemical Research Post-doctoral Associate position

1. Applications are invited for two Post-doctoral Associate position to work in the Research Group of Prof. P. Ballester at ICIQ. The position will involve carrying out extensive organic synthesis and the use of a wide range of techniques for the physico-chemical characterization of supramolecular systems. The candidates should have a strong background in: synthesis, spectroscopy (UV-Vis, NMR, IR, Fluorescene) and chromatography (GC, HPLC, TLC and Flash chromatography.). Good skills in electrochemistry and catalysis are a plus. Knowledge related to photochemistry will also be appreciated.
2. As a Post-doctoral Associate, you are expected to oversee the training and development of junior group members. You will be in charge of a research project and demanded to write scientific reports and manuscripts summarizing your accomplishment.

3. Information on the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) and the Research Group of Prof. Ballester can be found at:
4. Please send or e-mail your resume, including the names and addresses of three references, and a cover letter describing previous accomplishments and research interests to:

Beatriz Martin, Personal Assistant to Prof. Ballester Institut Català d'Investigació Química Avda. Països Catalans, 16 43007 Tarragona, Spain

Link to Group page:
Institution: ICIQ , Tarragona, Spain
Closing Date: 30 May 2009

Junior Lecturer in Chemistry

1. Department for Analytical, Inorganic, and Applied Chemistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland, we have an opening for Junior Lecturer (Maître-Assistant) in the area of analytical or physical chemistry.

2. The preferred research areas are surface-based sensors, structured interfaces, functional nanoparticles, or polyelectrolytes, or modeling of these systems. Teaching duties involve participation in analytical chemistry courses and laboratories. The planned activities must integrate into the research program of the Laboratory of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, and rely on the available equipment, including atomic force microscopy, light scattering, electrophoresis, reflectivity, ellipsometry, or quartz-crystal microbalance.

3. Prerequisites are PhD in chemistry, physics, engineering, or a related area, an outstanding scientific record, and in depth experience in at least one of the fields or techniques mentioned above. Knowledge in computer programming and mathematical modeling is welcome.

4. Enthusiasm for top-quality research and teaching is as important as outstanding oral and written communications skills.

5. Earliest starting date is August 1, 2008, or as agreed. The review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position is filled.

If you are interested, please, email a notice of interest with your CV and 2-3 professional references to

NIH Postdoctoral position in synthetic organic chemistry

1. The selected candidate will work in the National Institute of Health- NCRR/INBRE funded project titled: New Methodologies for the Synthesis of Amino Derivatives as Nicotinic Receptor Agonists at the University of Puerto Rico, USA.
2. The major responsibilities will include the design, synthesis, purification and characterization of novel enantiopure compounds with biological activity.
3. The qualified candidate is expected to contribute in developing new stereoselective organic reactions using boron reagents and to have excellent instrumental analytical techniques.
4. A good oral and writing skill in English is required. In addition, the person will be expected to supervise the professional development and mentoring of undergraduate students and other scientific staff.
5. Our Institution is a four-year college, but we have a strong research group with excellent instrumentation like: 400 MHz multinuclear NMR, GC/MS, HPLC, IR, Polarimeter, and appropriate facilities.
6. The year salary for this position will be $33,000 (US dollars) plus medical insurance. The position will be open from August 1, 2009.
7. The offer will be for one year, but would be extendable for three more years depending on funding and quality of the work.
8. Candidates are invited to send an application letter, a CV and a complete summary of research that has been conducted, including a list of publications and name of two referees by
e-mail to:

Institution: University of Puerto Rico
Location: Humacao, Puerto Rico
Closing Date: 31 May 2009

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