SNSF Doc.CH Grants: HSS, PhD program

SNSF Doc.CH Grants: HSS, PhD program

SNSF Doc.CH Grants in the field of humanities and social sciences (HSS): The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) awards grants / scholarships to promising researchers in the humanities and social sciences.

200 Fellowships Hubert Humphrey Fellowships, USA for International Students

200 Fellowships Hubert Humphrey Fellowships, USA for International Students

ONGC Start-up Grants: Rs 100 Crore funds

ONGC Start-up Grants: Rs 100 Crore funds

Introduction: ONGC will provide the entire support chain for start-ups that will include
  1. Seed capital,
  2. Hand-holding,
  3. Mentoring,
  4. Market linkage and
  5. Follow-ups.

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