1. A postdoc fellowship is offered in the field of quantum chemistry in the Institute of Chemistry , the Hebrew University , Jerusalem .
2. The main goal of the project is to study photochemical reactions proceeding via conical intersections. Work will involve localization and characterization of conical intersections (CI), quantum chemistry calculations of potential energy surfaces (PES) and their couplings as well as quantum dynamics simulations and control of the resulting reactions.
3. The cooperation also serves for training of the PhD students in our complementary fields of expertise.
4. Candidates should have a strong background in quantum chemistry and computational methods. Work will involve high level quantum chemical calculations using methods such as CASSCF, MRCI and etc. Calculations will be on gas phase molecules as well as on solvated ones.
5. Please send your applications to:
Prof. Shmuel Zilberg
Department of Physical Chemistry,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel: 972-2-6585848
Fax: 972-2-5618033
e-mail: shmuel@fh.huji.ac.il
Prof. Shmuel Zilberg
Department of Physical Chemistry,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel: 972-2-6585848
Fax: 972-2-5618033
e-mail: shmuel@fh.huji.ac.il
6. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ,
Givat Ram,Jerusalem 91904 Israel .
Givat Ram,