1. Single Molecule Imaging in Living Cells: The postdoctoral fellow will work with the design and construction of optical microscopes for single molecule tracking and super resolution imaging.
2. (S)he will also develop methods for improving the sensitivity and precision for detection of single fluorescent proteins living cells. This work is a part of an ongoing project in molecular systems biology.
3. Within the project intracellular kinetics is analyzed through a combination quantitative modeling of biochemical processes and single molecule microscopy in living cells.
4. Qualification: PhD in experimental physics, biophysics, physical chemistry, technology or equivalent.
5. Practical experience in optics and microscopy is a requirement. Experience in advanced fluorescence microscopy (e.g. STED, PALM, STORM, FLIM, SM-tracking), LabVIEW programming and electronics is advantageous. Furthermore, previous experience of working with biological tissue, cells or bacteria is considered a merit.
6. Contact: Johan Elf, johan.elf@icm.uu.se, +46 18 4714678
7. More Info: http://www.icm.uu.se/molbio/elflab/