1. Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology Advertisement for Grant Research The project PTDC-CHI-71398-2006
2. You are applying for an open research grant under project "Lamination and compatibility of polymers using Technologies Green ".
3. Duration and scope of activity: Case lasting 06 months, eventually renewable up to 12 months and will begin to 01 from December 2009 in exclusive basis in accordance with regulations of advanced training
resources FCT (http://www.fct.mctes.pt/pt/apoios/formacao/ambitoprojectos) and Regulation fellowship ITQB.
4. Field: Work to be developed in the Laboratory Thermodynamics Molecular(http://www.itqb.unl.pt/research/technology/molecular-thermodynamics).
5. The fellow selected will be able to develop an innovative research work in the area of physical chemistry in a draft interface with the area of polymers. In particular, the fellow will be involved in development of new ionic liquids and the study of solubility polymers in ionic liquids.
6. Advisor: The activity will be supervised by Prof.. Luis Paulo Rebelo and Dr. Joseph Hope.
7. Education: will be considered graduates / masters in Chemistry, Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology or related areas.
Other Requirements:
Ability to work as a team.
Laboratory experience.
Good knowledge of English.