Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry/Homogeneous Catalysis: Postdoc positions available

Applications are welcome for 2 postdoctoral positions in the group of Supramolecular &

Homogeneous Catalysis (directed by prof. Reek). Relevant backgrounds for the projects, which are funded by private-public consortia, could include organic synthesis (phosphorus chemistry), coordination chemistry and/or homogeneous catalysis. Ligand and complex synthesis and catalyst screening should be combined. The research group is relatively young, ambitious and well-known for new concepts and approaches in (supramolecular) homogeneous catalysis. Lab-facilities are of excellent modern standards in a brand new building. The successful, eager applicants (M/F) should hold a PhD. degree in Chemistry with significant experience, suitable skills and a keen interest in high-level research in a friendly, competitive environment.

German Institute for Polymers: PhD position open

The position is vacant from the 1st of June 2011 and will run until May 2014. The salary is equivalent to 50 % of a full researchers position. Informal e-mail enquiries will be welcomed and should be addressed to Robert Bruell (

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