1. In accordance with Regulamento de Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos, and taking into account the applicability of the Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, approved by Law n. 40/2004 of August 18, the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (PORTUGAL) opens a call for the funding of individual post-doctoral grants (BPD).
2. These grants are meant for doctoral degree holders, preferably having been awarded the degree in the last 5 years, for the performance of advanced research work in Portuguese or foreign research institutions of known good standing. Post-doctoral grnts in a foreign country will only be awarded in excepcional conditions, requiring proof in an unambiguous way that they serve national strategic interests.
3. Period of the Call: The Call is open from June 15th to 5pm, Lisbon time, on September 1st and will only have one evaluation cycle.
4. Applications: Individual applications must be submitted electronically, using the web application available at: http://concursos.fct.mctes.pt/bolsas