1. Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships are individual fellowships that aim at providing advanced training tailored to the researchers' individual needs with a view to adding different/complementary scientific competencies.
2. This in order to allow them to reach or reinforce a position of professional maturity and independence or to permit them to resume their career.
3. The duration of these fellowships is between 1 and 2 years. Applicant researchers should be from EU or Associated States with at least 4 years research experience or a Ph.D. and willing to spend a mobility period working in a host institution located in another EU or Associated State, different from his/her own and from that where they have been recently active.
4. Proposals from all areas of scientific and technological research of interest to the European Community are welcome and there are no priority areas.
5. More Details: http://cordis.europa.eu/mariecurie-actions/eif/home.html