PhD position in Informatics, Scotland, UK

  1. International prize studentships for PhD research 2010
    Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance
  2. The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance ( is a collaboration of leading Scottish Universities whose aim is to work together to consolidate and extend Scotland's position as an international research leader in computer science and informatics. As part of this, the Scottish Graduate Academy in Informatics and Computer Science offers up to 20 international prize studentships per year to outstanding candidates who wish to study for a PhD in Scotland.
  3. These studentships are open to excellent students from any country. There are no residency or citizenship requirements. We will consider applicants in any area of computer science and informatics but may give preference to students who are working in SICSA theme areas (
  • Next-generation Internet
  • Multi-modal interaction
  • Modelling and abstraction
  • Complex systems engineering
  1. SICSA prize studentships are worth around £18, 000 per year for 3 years. They include support for living expenses of at least £12, 940, research expenses and a contribution towards postgraduate fees at the UK standard Home/EU rate (currently £3400). Students who are not UK/EU residents must pay the higher overseas student fee of around £11,500 per year. However, if you are awarded a SICSA studentship, you may apply to the admitting university for additional support to cover the difference in fees. The award of a SICSA studentship does not guarantee such support.

PhD positions in MULTIMOD project in europe

  1. Position applications: The network will provide unique cross- and multi-disciplinary training opportunities. Researchers applying for a position are requested to email their CV accompanied by a letter of motivation and two letters of recommendation at the contact person of the host institution.
  2. All applicants shall also be requested to provide proof that, at the time of recruitment, are eligible for initial training and that they fulfill the conditions of nationality and mobility as specified in page 13 of the 'Guide for Applicants' for Marie Curie ITNs. Researchers will be allowed to apply for no more than two different positions, either at the same or different organizations of the network.
  3. The deadline for applications is the 20th of April 2010.
  4. Selected fellows will be notified at least one month before the job starting date. It is expected that appointed reserachers will be hired from February 2010. Appointments in the MULTIMOD network will last for 36 months. In order to receive complementary training on their respective topics, appointed researchers may be required to spend a secondment period of 3-6 months to one or more institutions as described in the following schedule.
  5. Ref.

  • PhD positions at SISSA, Trieste, Italy

      Academic Year 2010/2011
      Deadline: 1st April, 2010
    2. SISSA offers opportunities for carrying out Ph.D studies in:
      1. Applied Mathematics
        Astroparticle Physics
        Functional and Structural Genomics
        Mathematical Analysis
        Mathematical Physics
        Neuroscience (Neurobiology / Cognitive Neuroscience)
        Physics and Chemistry of Biological Systems
        Statistical Physics
        Theory of Elementary Particles
        Theory and Numerical Simulation of Condensed Matter
    3. The Ph.D. courses in Astroparticle Physics, Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Theory of Elementary Particles start in October; all other courses start in November of each year. They last 3 years and may be extended for a fourth year, subject to approval by the School authorities.
    4. Students who are not citizens of European Union member states have two possibilities to be admitted to SISSA as a Ph.D student:
    5. 1) to pass the regular entrance examination (written and oral) held in Trieste.
      Details can be found at the web page:

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