1. Biochemist (m/f): PhD student position available.
2. The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research. UFZ builds up a new Department of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems. In this department microbiological research into biogas synthesis from agricultural wastes and renewable resources as well as systems analysis of the energetic use of biomass will be executed.
3. This research will be organised in close cooperation with the German Biomass Research Centre . DBFZ and several UFZ departments.
4. In order to establish the new microbiological working group of the department in cooperation with the UFZ Department of Environmental Microbiology several positions are to be occupied as soon as the financial means are finally approved by the Helmholtz Association and as soon as it is convenient for the best candidates.
5. The aim of the working group is to optimize the main process steps of the fermentative production of biogas based on a quantitative mechanistic understanding of the underlying microbiological and biotechnological processes. The main goals of the research activities are to improve (i) the efficiency of the fermentation process and the final energy/product yields to reduce the necessary resources and (ii) the availability of substrates, which are presently not usable in fermentation processes due to biochemical, technical or economic reasons.
6. The PhD project will focus on the pre-treatment of lignocellulosic materials with fungi and/or fungal enzymes, in order to improve the availability of such feedstocks for biogas production. A background in cultivation of fungi and experience with extra-cellular lignin-modifying or cellulose-degrading fungal enzymes will be of advantage.
7. Successful candidates are highly motivated to contribute to the development of technical solutions for the improvement of biogas processes. All team members will closely cooperate and interact. An existing group of twelve natural scientists, engineers and lab-technicians will support the establishment of the new team. Next to high team competence, very good written and oral communication skills in English and commitment to solution-oriented, interdisciplinary research are thus required.
8. For further information please contact:
Prof. Dr. Hauke Harms phone: +49 (0) 341 235 1260,
E-Mail: hauke.harms@ufz.de
Prof. Dr. Frank Scholwin E-Mail: frank.scholwin@dbfz.de
9. The position for is offered for duration of three years (renewal of scientist positions possible) and subject to the allowance
10. The place of work is Leipzig, Germany.
11. Salary will be according to the appropriate civil service level (TVöD).
12. Women are explicitly encouraged to apply to increase their share in science and research.
13. Physically handicapped persons will be favoured if they are equally qualified.
14. Please send your complete application documents (curriculum vitae, certificates, description of scientific development and teaching experience, list of publications) until 30 September 2009 with reference to the appropriate Code number to Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research . UFZ, Personalabteilung, PF 50 01 36, 04301 Leipzig, Germany or by E-Mail to application@ufz.de .