PhD Program, France

1. An International PhD Program (the Pasteur-Paris University International Doctoral program) was recently created by the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France.
2. The deadline for applications is December, 15th 2009.
3. General information about the Program and its application procedures can be found on line : 
4. The PhD program targets students holding a Master degree (or equivalent) in Science, Medicine or related fields from a non-French university.
5. The application period opens every year in September and closes in December.
6. There is one call every year.
7. Students will conduct their research in one of the 120 laboratories of the Institut Pasteur. They will be immersed in an exciting, dynamic and interactive research environment that includes access to a large variety of core facilities with state-of-the art equipment. Students will extend their knowledge by attending specialized courses and will benefit from a vast seminar program that attracts major speakers from all over the world. At the end of their studies (typically three years), students will defend their Ph.D. according to European guidelines.
8. The Institut Pasteur and the affiliated university will jointly award the degree. Candidates will be selected on a competitive basis.
9. Students will receive a stipend to cover their living expenses for the duration of their studies and will be eligible for social benefits, including medical coverage, available to all students registered at a French University. Help for accommodation in student residences will also be available.

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