1. Candidates for a postdoctoral position at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, Madrid-Spain.
2. The position requires a highly motivated science graduated student (physics, computer science, engineer, etc), who wants to work in the new area of image processing for X-ray microscopy applied to structural biology. X-ray microscopy combines the magnifying power of optical microscopy with the penetrating power of x-rays, to generate highly detailed images of very small features, including their internal structure.
3. The successful candidate will join the Biocomputing Unit at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (http://bioweb.cnb.uam.es ). This is a very active group with an excellent publication record (http://biocomp.cnb.uam.es/cgi-bin/publications_list.py ) and located in a leading Spanish Research Institution.
4. Postdoctoral position in the form of a contract associated to the project (a work permit is required for non-EU citizens) - Salary level in accordance to standard research fellowships - Active and stimulating academic environment
5. Ample room for interaction with both academia and industry research teams Candidates should contact Dr.José Maria Carazo (carazo@cnb.uam.es ) by email before July 15th.