1. The Bo Porse group, BRIC and the Gene regulation and transcriptomics group, Department of Biology both at University of Copenhagen are jointly recruiting one highly qualified postdoc to work on bioinformatics in the project “Towards individualized patient care: Improving cancer diagnosis and Therapy”.
2. The project aims at characterizing cancer and normal cells at different developmental stages at a single cell resolution in order to obtain a better understanding of causal effects in different subpopulations using acute myeloid leukemias as a model system.
3. The computational analysis includes characterization/classification of transcriptional profiles of both normal and cancer populations, identification of activated oncogenic pathways including deregulation of miRNAs and gene enrichment analysis for in silico drug screening.
4. There will be a close collaboration between experimentalists and bioinformaticians in the project.
5. A successful candidate will have a PhD degree in bioinformatics or related fields. The candidate needs to be able to program in C, Java, Perl or Python, and be comfortable with Linux systems. Fluency in spoken and written English is a strong requirement. The postdoc will be hired by the Department of Biology.
6. We value experience in: systems biology, mathematical modeling, machine learning, experimental biology – especially related to expression profiling, applied statistics and R, computer science and SQL.
7. Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State (www.perst.dk/~/media/Circular/2008/061-08-pdf.ashx).
8. While negotiation for salary supplement is possible, the salary is between DKK 370.587 and 390,181 including annual supplement (+ pension DKK 63.370/66,720). More information about the two groups can be found at http://www.bric.ku.dk/research/Porse_Group and http://www.binf.ku.dk.
9. Further information about the position can be obtained from Ole Winther (winther@binf.ku.dk). The position is funded by a grant from Danish Council for Strategic Research (DSF). Preferred start date is January 2010.
10. Applications must be in English, emailed as a single PDF file to job@bio.ku.dk (Subject line: your name). The application should include a cover letter, a CV with the names and contact details of 3 references, and copies of relevant official exam documents. Closing date for applications is the October 30th, 2009 at 12:00 noon.
11. The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Reference: http://www1.bio.ku.dk/om/jobs/postdoc_bioinformatics/