Post Doctoral Position in Bioinformatics


  1. A Post Doctoral position focused on the integration of -omics and literature data to perform microbial community analysis and generate hypotheses for manipulation of microbial populations to provide benefits. 
  2. The successful candidate will work with a high quality team of bioinformaticians and experimental biologists.
  3. Job Responsibilities: 
    Perform microbial community analysis based on next generation sequencing data 
    Annotate microbial genomes and perform comparative genomics to understand the key different among the genomes. 
    Interpret -omics data to come up with hypotheses. 
    Develop pipelines for data processing.
  4. To learn more about this career path, click here. 
    A PhD in biological sciences with strong computational skills or PhD in computer sciences, computational biology, bioinformatics, mathematics or statistics with extensive experiences working on biological problems is required.  Qualifications also include: 
    ·      Extensive experience working on microbial genome analysis including genome assembly, genome 
           annotation and metabolic network reconstruction. 
    ·      Extensive experience in comparative genomics to identify SNPs using next generation sequencing data. 
    ·      Extensive experience in interpreting -omics data. 
    ·      Excellent communication skills especially with experimental biologist. 
    ·      Extensive programming skills in C/C , Java, Perl or Python. 

PhD position in the general area of middleware for distributing and disseminating information in large-scale dynamic systems at University of Oslo

1.      The group of Networks and Distributed systems at the Informatics Department, University of Oslo has one available PhD position in the area of Middleware for Distribution and Dissemination.
2.      The deadline for applications is 31th March, 2010.
3.      The research will be carried out in collaboration with the Computer Systems group of VU University Amsterdam, in particular with the group headed by Maarten van Steen.
4.      PhD Project: The position is in the general area of middleware for distributing and disseminating information in large-scale dynamic systems.
5.      We are witnessing a dramatic increase in the use of data-centric distributed systems such as the dynamic Web, sensor networks, network-monitoring systems, and various publish-subscribe systems.
6.      The ubiquitous presence of such systems creates very large application networks that spread over large geographical areas and diverse intra- and inter-organizational domains.
7.      The visions of massive demand-driven data dissemination, intensive processing, and intelligent fusion in order to build dynamic knowledge bases that seemed infeasible just a few years ago are about to come true.
8.      However, the realization of this potential demands adequate support from middleware that could be used to deploy and support such systems. At this time, both COTS middleware software and even state-of-art research middleware lack the technological foundations to cope with the enormous volume of data, constantly changing underlying network connectivity, and dynamic system organization.
9.      Typically, numerous information transmitters produce continuous data flows as well as massive unpredictable bursts of data at geographically dispersed locations. This data needs to be rapidly processed, routed, and classified by the degree of criticality, and intelligently fused.
10.  A large number of potentially mobile clients can issue multiple concurrent queries of varying urgency, priority, and precision requirements. In order to build a system that is capable of handling such a demanding situation, there is a clear need to develop new middleware technologies for scalable, mobility, adaptive, and reliable handling of these high-volume dynamic information flows.
11.  We are seeking a student who is interested in designing, developing, and evaluating techniques that address these issues.
12.  Suitable Background and Requirements: Applicants must have a degree in Computer Science, or in a related study, with excellent results.
13.  They must also be able to demonstrate interest in scientific research. The ideal candidate for the position will have strong background in distributed computing.
14.  You may apply if you have not yet completed your degree, but expect to do so before the position starts.
15.  University of Oslo is an equal opportunity employer.
16.  Knowledge of Norwegian is not a prerequisite for application. English is our working language for research. The current PhD students and postdocs in our group are coming from more than 5 different countries.
17.  We expect the candidate to be internationally oriented and willing to do, for example, Summer internships abroad.
18.  Details about Employment: A PhD position is a regular job with social benefits and with salary starting from 353.000 NOK per year.
19.  The currently open positions are for three years with a possibility to apply for extending the time period to 4 years. A 4 year position means that 25% of the time will be for duties beyond the normal research and project work, such as teaching and supervision of master students.
20.  Host Institution and Environment: The University of Oslo is Norway's largest and oldest institution of higher education. Founded in 1811, today the University of Oslo has approx. 30,000 students and 4,600 employees. Four Nobel Prize winners indicate the quality of the research at the University. The Department of Informatics has been a home to a number of world-renown scientists, such as Turing Award recipients Prof. Dahl and Prof. Nygaard.
21.  The group of Networks and Distributed Systems offers a work environment that is well equipped with the newest hard- and software technology. The research group has tight bonds with Simula Research Laboratory. Furthermore, we have well established links to national and international research institutions. We conduct collaborative research projects that are funded by Norwegian research funds, and the European Community.
22.  The country, also known for its unique scenic beauty, has been ranked by the UN as having the highest standard of living in the world. Oslo is considered one of the sunniest places in Northern Europe, with summer temperatures averaging 21 degrees Celsius.
23.  Futher information can be found on this page .
24.  How to Apply:  Full application should include
a.       Your cover letter listing
    • specific research interests
    • the position that you are interested in
    • the following reference number: 2010/1777
    • Certificates for all University-level degrees.
    • A curriculum vitae including
    • Your name (given, family), data of birth, nationality, current address, phone number, and email address.
    • Your highest degree's name, educational institution, department, and the year of completion.
    • List of your higher education including the type of education, place, duration, and degree if applicable.
    • List of your employments including company/institution name and duration of the employment.
    • Your publication list.
  • Official grade sheets for all the courses taken at the University level. For applicants with any University-level education outside Norway: official description of the grading system.
  • Names and addresses of your references. To speed up processing, applicants themselves may ask their references to mail recommendation letters to the same address.
  • Copies of relevant work, e.g., dissertations, theses, or articles that you have authored or co-authored.
  • The following form.
    • The "plans for the PhD study" section can be left blank.
    • The "project description" section can be copied from the above description in this announcement.
    • Applications should be sent electronically, by e-mail to with a cc to Supporting material that cannot be sent in an electronic form (including the form in item 7) should be sent by regular mail addressed to The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Attn: Grete Andresen, University of Oslo, PO Box 1032 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo.

Inquiries for additional information should be sent to Associate Professor Roman Vitenberg,

PhD And Postdoctoral Positions in Hungary 2010


  1. Beginning with the academic year 2005 the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Hungary established a “scholarship pool” so as to encourage mobility in higher education and to provide opportunities for foreign citizens to widen their professional experience in Hungarian institutions of higher education.
  2. In the framework of the pool-system, the Hungarian Scholarship Board (hereinafter HSB) announces university and research scholarships for the academic year 2010/2011 and summer school scholarships for the summer 2010 respectively.
  3. The scholarship programme is open for citizens of those countries with the Hungarian Ministry of Education has agreed to a co-operation programme. In cases where the number of foreign scholarship holders is fixed, due to previously agreed upon programmes still in force in 2010, this will be taken into consideration by the HSB during the validity period of the co-operation programme when awarding future scholarships.
  4. The following scholarships are available in the Academic Year 2010/2011:
    A.─ semester/partial studies (3-10 months)
    B.─ postgraduate studies, research (3-21 days or 1-10 months)
    C.C/1─ full PhD programme (36 months),
    C/2─ partial PhD studies (12 months)
    D. ─ postdoctoral studies/research (1-10 months)
    E. ─ research stay (3-21 days or 1-10 months)
    F. ─ summer courses (1-4 weeks)

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