Post-doctoral fellowship in Biological sciences

1.      Title of the Project: “A systematic method for identifying the ligands of T-cell surface molecules

2.       A Fellowship is open for recruitment of a Post-doctoral fellow to collaborate in the Project referred above, financed by the Program “COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade” in its FEDER component and by the Foundation for Science and Technology budget in its OE component, and in collaboration with the T-cell Biology Group, The Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford.

3.      The fellowship is for one year, eventually renewable up to a maximum of 3 years, starting on June 1st, 2010. The monthly amount of the fellowship is € 1,495.00.

4.      Place of Work: Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, Porto, Portugal

5.      The candidate should possess a PhD in the fields of Biochemistry, Biomedicine, Biology, Physics, Biophysics, Molecular Biology or related areas. We are looking for highly motivated candidates with experience in at least one of the following: protein expression and biochemistry, transfection and expression in eukaryote systems; flow cytometry; biochemistry of signal transduction/cell activation; RNA techniques. Experience with Atomic Force Microscopy and/or bioinformatics is advantageous.


Research position on "Development of acid catalysts based on mesoporous organosilicas to periodic reactions in the presence of water"

  1. Submissions are invited for the award of a Grant Research Assistant under the project entitled "Development of acid catalysts based on mesoporous organosilicas to periodic reactions in the presence of water."
  2. Term and Conditions of Activity: The fellowship will last for three months and is scheduled for June 2010 on an exclusive basis, as the regulation of Advanced Training of Human Resources FCT ( formation / ambitoprojectos ), Regulation of Scientific Research Grants from the University of Aveiro - Order of 13 April Mrs. Dean - published in the Official Gazette by decree No. 9887/2005 (2nd series), of May 3, and the Status of Scientific Research Grant, approved by Law No. 40/2004, dated August 18. The fellowship can eventually be extended for a further period of three months.
  3. Purpose of Activity: The scholarship is aimed at the preparation of mesoporous materials organic-inorganic hybrids.
  4. Scientific Orientation: Is the office of Dr. Paula Ferreira.

Research position in Chemical engineering in Portugal

1.      A one-year research position is available in the frame of Project PTDC/AAC-AMB/100960/2008, entitled “Removal of cytotoxic chemotherapy compounds from pharmaceutical/hospital wastewaters by combined membrane processing and advanced electro-oxidation treatment” financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia .
2.      Job/Fellowship Reference: PTDC/AAC-AMB/100960/2008 
3.      Duration and Regime of Activity: 12 months foreseen to start on June 15, 2010 in exclusiveness regime in accordance with the regulation of advanced training of human resources of FCT
( and Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 
4.      The fellowship can be renewed for an additional period of 16 months.
5.      Objective:  Development of a novel integrated technology for decontamination of effluents (wastewater), containing cytotoxic chemotherapy compounds produced by hospital and/or pharmaceutical units, through applying combined membrane processing, advanced electro-oxidation and bioremediation. Physicochemical, electrochemical and biological characterization of the degradation of defined chemotherapy compounds in model solutions and real wastewater. Mathematical modeling, optimization, techno-economical and life cycle assessment (LCA) of the integrated treatment. Depending on the quality of the work developed, the grant holder will be invited to proceed to a PhD program.

Biostatistics in Mathematics doctoral position

  1. Authorities and official bodies world-wide require animal experiments in order to be able to guarantee the safety of clinical tests on humans for medical products. Through implementation of what they call the "Rs" initiative, the NIH has been striving to develop alternative product testing methods that will: Reduce the number of animals used in testing, Refine testing procedures so animals experience less pain and distress; or Replace animals with non-animal testing systems.
  2. The goal of this project is to investigate innovative statistical approaches that offer ways to reduce the number of animals in future toxicology studies to obtain the same information as is currently the case, or obtain more information from existing data sets (better study design, dose-response models, more accurate response variables, complex hierarchical clustering models. Longitudinal models,
  3. In addition and also within the "Rs" initiative, this project wants to investigate the predictive potential of particular in-vitro tests for in-vivo animal experiments. To that purpose multivariate projection methods, surrogate-marker methodologies, joint modeling of multivariate outcomes of different data types, will be in demand.
  4. The main goal of this 6 months period is to prepare the candidate for a Baekeland Grant. Both in September and in January an application for such grant will be submit and an extension for the next 4 years is conditional on the success of these applications. In case of a successful application a PhD will be initiated.

Doctoral fellowship in Medical Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene (Germany)

  1. The Department of Medical Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene (Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Aepfelbacher) at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany) invites applications for a PhD student position. This position is available starting June 1st, however the start date is negotiable.
  2. Our group studies host-pathogen interaction at the molecular level. The candidate’s project would involve studying mechanisms by which enteropathogenic Yersinia breach the intestinal epithelial barrier. In vitro (cell culture) and ex vivo models of the gut epithelium will be used to investigate the early interactions between Yersinia and the host.
  3. The successful candidate must hold the equivalent of a master’s or diploma degree in Biology, Biochemistry or Life Sciences. Expertise in the areas of either microbiology, immunology, or cell biology is necessary. The applicant should be enthusiastic and self-motivated and must be comfortable speaking and writing in English.

Doctoral position in tumor biology/neurooncology in Germany

  1. The Institute of Neuropathology at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, Director Prof. Till Acker, is inviting applications for a
  2. Requirements: We are looking for enthusiastic and highly motivated biology, biochemistry or pharmacy students holding, or about to obtain, an MSc degree, diploma or equivalent, with a strong interest in tumor biology and a background in molecular or cell biology.
  3. Project description: Our group has a long-standing interest in the role of microenvironmental factors, particularly hypoxia, in the regulation of tumor progression. We have dissected the differential functions of the key transcriptional regulators hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha and HIF-2alpha in tumor growth and we are actively investigating the involvement of HIF regulators and downstream targets in tumorigenesis.
  4. At the same time, a growing body of evidence indicates that tumor development is critically dependent on the function of a small subset of cells which possess stem cell properties and are termed tumor stem cells (TSCs). Our own recent work has identified a detailed transcriptional signature of TSCs, helping to delineate specific TSC markers that are functionally involved in TSC maintenance and have prognostic value for glioblastomas.

Research fellowship in Biochemistry and Cell Biology (SRF)

1.     Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the following post of SRF in the CSIR funded project,
2.    Title: " Identifying compounds which potently inhibit Matrix Metalloproteinases 2 and 9: Therapeutic applications for retinal diseases” (27(0219)/09/EMR II)  to be implemented at the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, by the Investigator- Dr. N.Angayarkanni, Vision Research Foundation, Chennai – 600 006.
3.    The post is purely temporary for a period of 3 years.
4.    Name of the post – Senior Research Fellow Qualification: as per CSIR, Govt of India , norms
5.    Salary and perks : Rs. 16,000/- month
6.    Eligibility: Post graduate in Biochemistry or equivalent with 2 year of Research experience and one publication in peer review journal
7.    Application on plain paper with complete CV consisting of communicating address, educational qualification, experience, papers published and present status etc. to the DGM - HR on or before 30th April 10. Photocopies of certificates for education qualifications, experience and publications etc. should be enclosed along with application form. Applicants who are already working in the institute should submit their application through proper channel.

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