1. 3-yr Ph.D position is avaliable (or a part-time post-doctoral assistantship) to study the origin and evolution of island endemics in the Mediterranean Region.
2. Eligibility: Demonstrated experience in molecular, phylogenetic and flow-cytometry methods and/or ecological niche modeling will be highly valued in the selection process. Excellent knowledge of the English language, written and oral, required. Familiarity with additional European languages would be useful for fieldwork in the Mediterranean Region and living in Switzerland .
3. Facilities: Our research group offers a very supportive working atmosphere and excellent research facilities in a highly international scientific environment. Several opportunities for collaborations and participation at international meetings are available.
4. How to apply: Send the following documents by email AS A SINGLE PDF FILE to Prof. Elena Conti, ContiElena@access.uzh.ch: I) a one- to two-page application letter clearly addressing the following questions: a) Why are you interested in a Ph.D. or post-doc position in this research topic?