Postdoctoral position in biology 2010


  1. The focus of my laboratory is understanding the molecular events important in pancreatic growth regulation and tumorigenesis.
  2. We have identified a subpopulation of cancer stem cells in human pancreatic cancer (Cancer Res, 2007).
  3. A postdoctoral position is now open for a project aimed at understanding the role of pancreatic cancer stem cells within the tumor using a variety of approaches in vitro and in vivo.
  4. The applicant is required to function in an independent fashion and be responsible of his/her own research project. In particular, he/she will be expected to be able to design experiments, initially under the guidance from the PI, conduct experiments, process and analyze data, and potentially develop new and/or revise research methodologies.
  5. In addition, the candidate will be expected to present his/her own work both at lab meetings as well as scientific conferences and to critically analyze literature relevant to the research.
  6. The successful candidate will be expected to be proficient at scientific writing, and be able to prepare research papers.
  7. While funding is currently available for the position, the candidate will be strongly encouraged to apply for his/her own funding, under the guidance from the PI.
  8. A doctoral degree and familiarity with basic laboratory techniques is required for this position.
  9. Previous experience in the field of cancer biology and/or stem cell biology a plus, but not required.
  10. Please submit CV, at least 3 references, and a short statement of research interests and expectations from postdoctoral training to:
    Stephanie Laurinec, e-mail:
    General Surgery
    1520 MSRB I
    1150 W. Medical Center Drive
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5666

  11. Department Qualifications:
    The candidate will be expected to be familiar with basic molecular and cell biology techniques. Additional expertise in stem cell biology and animal models is a plus. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are required.
  12. Expires on: April 21, 2010

Postdoctoral fellowship in Greece

1.      Applications are invited for research positions in the context of the FP7-Regional Potential project “Advancement of Research Capability for the Development of New Functional Compounds” (ARCADE) implemented at the Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece (
2.      The ARCADE project addresses specific objectives designed to have maximal impact on the IOPC’s research activities and we are therefore seeking to recruit scientists to carry out research focussing on the design and synthesis of functional compounds with potential applications in medicinal chemistry, catalysis and materials science.
3.      More specifically the positions available are as follows :
4.      One researcher for the synthesis of dendrimeric macromolecules and the study of their interactions with low molecular weight compounds by Mass Spectrometry and NMR.
5.      One researcher for protein expression, purification, characterisation and study of protein-ligand interactions with biochemical and biophysical techniques.
6.      One researcher for NMR spectroscopy and in silico methodologies towards screening of potential drug molecules and structure determination.
7.      One researcher for the synthesis of bioactive compounds and compound libraries.
8.      One researcher for the synthesis of organic nanomolecular materials with strong expertise in synthetic organic chemistry while experience in dendrimer synthesis and/or microwave/ultrasound techniques is desirable.
9.      One researcher for asymmetric catalysis and the synthesis of chiral ligands and bioactive compounds.
10.  One researcher for computational chemistry as applied to the design of bioactive molecules and photonic materials.
11.  The posts will initially be for a period of one year with the possibility of renewal. The maximum duration of the appointments will be 36 months.
12.  Gross salary will be up to € 30000 per annum.
13.  Applications, specifying which position is being applied for, should be e-mailed to or and should include a full CV with list of publications and the names and addresses of two referees.
14.  Dead line of applications is the 10th of February 2010.
15.  NHRF is an equal opportunity employer and women scientists are encouraged to apply.

Fellowship in China 2010

  1. Chinese Government Scholarship scheme is established by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached between Chinese government and governments of other countries, organizations, education institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars.
  2. MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Programs.
  3. Applicants shall apply to Chinese diplomatic missions or dispatching authorities between January and April every year. Applicants may refer to the above authorities for deadlines for application.
  4. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.
  5. Education background and age limit:
  6. Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25.
  7. Applicants for master’s degree program must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
  8. Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
  9. Applicants for Chinese training program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35, Chinese language is the only subject available.
  10. Applicants for general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and be under the age of 45, all subjects besides Chinese language are available.
  11. Applicants for senior scholar program must have master’s degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50.
  12. Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, and fee for basic learning materials; free accommodation on campus;
  13.  Living allowance
  14. One-off settlement subsidy after registration;
  15. Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China;
  16. One-off inter-city travel subsidy.
  17. Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship beyond the institution’s arrangements should be self-afforded.
  18. Fee for basic learning materials only covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution, and other textbooks and materials shall be self-afforded.
  19. Monthly allowance is granted to the students through the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):
  20. Undergraduates & Chinese language students: CNY 1,400 Yuan
  21. Master’s degree students & general scholars: CNY 1,700 Yuan
  22. Doctoral degree students & senior scholars: CNY 2,000 Yuan
  23. Scholarship students shall receive their monthly living allowance after registration. New students who register before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get the full amount of living allowance of that month, and those who register after 15th will get half amount of that month. Students upon graduation will get a living allowance for another 15 days after the graduation date set by the university.
  24. The allowance will be terminated from the next month after students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowance covers school holidays.
  25. Scholarship students who missed the monthly living allowance during holidays could be reimbursed upon their return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for one month for those students who do not register on time without permission from the university, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from university over a month. Students who have to suspend their studies for health reasons are required to go back to their home countries for treatment.
  26. The international travel expenses should be covered by the students themselves. With the university’s approval, the scholarship status can be reserved for up to one year and their living allowances will be suspended during their leave. The scholarship status will not be reserved for those who suspend their studies for other reasons.
  27. New students will get a one-off settlement subsidy upon their arrival in China.
  28. CNY 1,000 Yuan for new students who will study in China up to one academic year
  29. CNY 1,500 Yuan for new students who will study in China above one academic year
  30. Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense in the institution’s hospital or the hospitals entrusted by the institution. The students are required to share a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institution’s regulations.
  31. Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China in case of hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the entrusted medical assistance agencies provide advancement service for insurance expenses, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. For scholarship student, the individual claim will not be accepted by the insurance company.
  32. One-off inter-city travel ticket (each for coming-in and leaving China)
  33. A hard-seat train ticket (hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) will be provided for new scholarship students traveling from the port of entry upon registration to the city where the admitting institution or institution of Chinese language training or college preparatory courses is located; for students traveling from the Chinese language training institution or preparatory education institution to the city where the university for major study is located; and for students traveling from the city where the institution is located to the nearest port for departure upon graduation. Meal and excess of baggage should be self-afforded.
  34. One or several items of full scholarship (one-off settlement subsidy and one-off inter-city travel allowance excluded).
  35. The applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicates).
  36. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or English
  37. Those who are available for online application shall fill in and print the application form after submitting it online.
  38. The CSC Online Application System for Study in China is available on
  39. Those who cannot apply online shall contact the dispatching authorities to get the application form and fill it truly, correctly and completely.
  40. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): University students or applicants employed shall also provide proof of studying or employment on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
  41. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
  42. A study or research plan. All applicants are required to submit a study or research plan. It must be in Chinese or in English.
  43. Recommendation letters: Applicants for postgraduate studies, or study in China as senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors. Applicants who apply in China shall submit the Admission Notice or Invitation Letter issued by the targeted university.
  44. Applicants for music studies are requested to submit a CD of the applicants’ own works. Applicants for fine arts programs must submit a CD of the applicants’ own works (including two sketches, two color paintings and two other works).
  45. Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the legal documents of their legal guardians in China.
  46. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (The original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form printed by Chinese quarantine authority could be downloaded from The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination due to the 6-months validity of the medical results.
  47. The above documents should be forwarded to CSC by April 30th, 2010 via either the Chinese diplomatic mission in the applicant’s home country or the embassy of the applicant’s home country in China. Individual applications are not accepted by CSC. Application documents will not be returned.
  48. Applicants can choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEIs designated by MOE. Please check the Directory of Chinese Higher Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Only the listed Chinese HEIs in the Directory are available to the applicants for their study in China.
  49. CSC will assess all the application documents and CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments on the proposed institutions, specialties and duration of study. The qualified applications will be forwarded to institutions for academic caliber and they will forward their nominations to CSC for agreement. The applications will be regarded as invalid and will not be accepted if they fail to meet the enrollment requirements or the application documents are incomplete.
  50. If overseas applicants for degree programs with exemption of examinations are academically ineligible to the proposed programs, the institution reserves the right to decide the academic program they could attend or whether to give them conditional offers for their proposed programs. Students who attend Chinese language courses prior to their university study or those attend the college preparatory program must pass the university entrance examinations or other examinations required before they start their major studies. Students attending the college preparatory program, who fail to pass the required examinations within the due period shall complete their study as Chinese language students.
  51. Applicants are required to enclose the admission notice from Chinese HEIs, if they have, in the documents submitted to CSC.
  52. Scholarship applicants academically accepted by Chinese HEIs will be officially awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship with the approval from CSC.
  53. Students are required to sign on their Admission Notice, if they have no objection with the placement, and are not permitted, in principle, to change their specialties, institutions or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice.
  54. CSC will send the Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to dispatching authorities by July 31st, 2010, who will forward the documents to the students.

Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry 2010


1.      The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation seeks to further the development of scientific leadership in the field of environmental chemistry with a postdoctoral fellowship program.
2.      The Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry provides an award to a principal investigator of $120,000 over two years to appoint a Postdoctoral Fellow in environmental chemistry.
3.      The Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry is open to all academic and other not-for-profit organizations in the States, Districts, and Territories of the United States of America that have well-established research efforts in environmental science or engineering.
4.      These research activities need not be located in traditional departments in the chemical sciences, and collaboration across departments and institutions is encouraged.
5.      Applications most likely to be of interest should describe innovative fundamental research in the chemical sciences or engineering related to the environment. Examples include but are not limited to the chemistry associated with: the climate, the atmosphere, aquatic or marine settings, toxicology, soil or groundwater.
6.      Also of interest are chemistry-related energy research (renewable sources, sequestration, etc.), and new or green approaches to chemical synthesis and processing, with a clearly stated relation to the environment.
7.      Applications come from the principal investigator. Recommendations for awards are based on several factors: assessment of the proposed research, the arrangements for the interdisciplinary educational broadening of the Fellow, and an assessment of the ability to both attract the best young Ph.D. candidates and subsequently place them in high level independent starting positions.
8.      Applications are reviewed by distinguished scientists in the environmental and chemical sciences.
11.  The Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry provides a $120,000 award, payable in two $60,000 installments. Funds are normally expended over a period of two years after the appointment of the Fellow. Charges associated with indirect costs or institution overhead are not allowed. Of the total annual award amount, the stipend support of the Fellow is $45,000 (stipends may be supplemented from institutional or other sources). Fringe benefits of the Fellow taken from this award may not exceed $9,000. The balance may be applied to related undergraduate research and/or the professional development of the Fellow. Examples of preferred use of the balance include stipends for undergraduate collaborators and support for the Fellow's participation in meetings, conferences, and symposia.
12.  All application materials must be received at the Foundation office by August 12, 2010. Applications recommended for approval are presented to the Foundation's Board of Directors in time for award announcements by the end of October 2010.
13.  Application package. The original application and four additional copies should be printed single-sided, on 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper, using 12-point font size, and assembled as:
14.  1. The online application form (available July 2010)
2. A research proposal that would be judged as likely to advance environmental science in important ways (typically 2-4 pages)
3. A CV (limitied to 5 pages) for each of the key professional personnel that includes ten or fewer relevant publications
4. A one-page description of the educational opportunities and institutional strengths in environmental science, and how the Fellow would be involved in them
15.  Please fasten each copy of the application with one staple. The use of binder clips, paper clips, folders, colored paper or bond paper is discouraged.
16.  Submit all application materials to:
a.       Dr. Mark Cardillo, Executive Director
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
555 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10022-3301
17.  Because of the volume of mail received near the program deadline, the Foundation requests that you use a delivery service that provides proof of delivery.
18.  Reports
The first-year award of $60,000 will be paid after the Foundation has been provided with the Fellow’s CV and anticipated start date. The second-year award of $60,000 will be paid upon request, after completion of the first year. The request should be accompanied or preceded by a financial report and a progress report from the project director that contains highlights of accomplishments under the award and the research plan for the coming year.
19.  Reports should be printed single-sided, on 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper, using 12-point font size.
20.  Submit the report by first-class mail to:
a.       Dr. Mark Cardillo, Executive Director
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
555 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10022-3301
21.  Final reports are due when all funds are expended. The final technical report should detail the anticipated consequence of the research and provide information regarding the future professional plans of the Fellow. An optional statement may be included of newsworthy stories concerning the Mentor, the Fellow, or the consequences of the research funded during the period of the award.
22.  Additional Information
a.       Publications and presentations describing work supported by the award should acknowledge the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry.
b.      The faculty mentor is designated a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Environmental Chemistry Mentor. The postdoctoral scientist is designated a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Environmental Chemistry Fellow.
c.       Procedural questions may be directed to the Foundation office by telephone at 212-753-1760 or e-mail at

Deadline: August 12, 2010

Announcement: October 2010


PhD position in bioorganic chemistry

1.      PhD proposal Biocatalytic oxidation of unactivated C-H bond for the synthesis of beta hydroxylamine derivatives: application to the synthesis of non proteinogenic aminoacids.
2.      Functionalization of unactivated C-H bond is a challenging task for the organic chemist, the importance of the biocatalytic oxidation lies in some enzymes ability, the oxygenases, to introduce one or more OH groups at unactivated positions and therefore obtaining compounds that are not accessible by usual chemical routes.
3.      We will focus on one enzyme family, the alpha keto glutarate dependant dioxygenases (alphaKAO), non heme fe(II) enzymes, exhibiting various reactivities. Many of these enzymes are involved in biosynthetic pathways of compounds of therapeutic, phytosanitary or agricultural significance. Among these enzymes, we will direct our attention on enzymes responsible of the stereoselective aliphatic hydroxylation of unactivated substrates, targeting amino and alpha aminoacid derivatives.
4.      The synthesis in enantiopure form of beta hydroxyl alpha aminoacids, chiral building blocks in the synthesis of biological active compounds e.g. non ribosomal peptides, will be considered.

Postdoctoral position in liquid crystal technology

1.      LC Vision, LLC, a small, privately held company focused on the research and development of liquid crystals and LC related technologies for the display industry.
2.      We are currently searching for a Postdoctoral associate to work on a project concerning the development of new LC additives to enhance LC display performance.
3.      A Postdoctoral position is available under the supervision of Dr. Michael Wand. The successful candidate will participate in an interdisciplinary project focused on the synthesis and evaluation of liquid crystal monomers and polymers for LC display applications.
4.      We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow with extensive experience in synthetic organic chemistry. Specific experience in liquid crystals and their physical and electro-optic evaluation is highly desirable but not a requirement.
5.      The candidate will be responsible for the design and synthesis of nematic and ferroelectric liquid crystals that will be attached to specific polymer backbones. The LC-polymer dopants will then be characterized and formulated into various liquid crystal hosts with the goal of improving LC display performance.
6.      The duties will include design, synthesis and evaluation of new compounds, formulation of LC mixtures, and optimization of LC-polymer systems for use in displays.
7.      The successful candidate must be independent in the design of synthetic routes, solving challenging synthetic problems, efficient in synthesizing targeted molecules, as well as analyzing the results and SAR data to improve the physical and electro-optic properties of the synthesized compounds.
8.      The applicant needs to be knowledgeable and experienced in using HPLC, NMR, IR, and GC-MS. They will be a part of an interdisciplinary academic and commercial team whose research is focused on the development of successful LC-polymer blends for use in commercial LCDs ranging from PDA size up to TV Display applications.
9.      Applicant must have PhD in organic chemistry, Materials Science, or related field.
10.  Excellent oral and written communication skills in English are required, with a demonstrated ability to write and submit proposals. Monthly reports are expected Additional expertise in small angle x-ray analysis, polymer synthesis, software programming in C++, C#, and LabView, LC electro-optic evaluation, would be a plus.
11.  Please submit motivation letter, CV, and contact information for 3 references combined into one file to the address below:
12.  Closing Date: 28 February 2010  
13.  Michael Wand, PhD
LC vision, LLC
4150 Darley Avenue, Suite 10
Boulder, CO 80305

Phone: (303) 506-0723

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