Postdoctoral grants – BOF (Special Research Fund), Belgium (2016)

Postdoctoral grants – BOF (Special Research Fund), Belgium (2016)

13 PhD , Postdoc and Tenure track scientist in Chemistry and Biotechnology, 2016

13 PhD , Postdoc and Tenure track scientist in Chemistry and Biotechnology, 2016

Faculty positons in Sciences and Engineering at IIT Allahabad (2016)

Faculty positons in Sciences and Engineering at IIT Allahabad (2016)

PTSP: Postdoctoral Translational Scholars Program at University of Michigan, USA (2016)

PTSP: Postdoctoral Translational Scholars Program at University of Michigan, USA (2016)

SibFU Postdoc Fellowship Program at Siberian Federal University, Russia (2016)

SibFU Postdoc Fellowship Program at Siberian Federal University, Russia (2016)

JRf and Postdoc position in Biotechnology and Neurobiology at JNU, India (2016)

JRf and Postdoc position in Biotechnology and Neurobiology at JNU, India (2016)

Masters, PhD, Postdoc studies (Arts, Sciences, Engineering) at Western University, Canada (2016)

Masters, PhD, Postdoc studies (Arts, Sciences, Engineering) at Western University, Canada (2016)

Master’s and Doctoral grants in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (GRFP Fellowships), USA (2015)

Master’s and Doctoral grants in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (GRFP Fellowships), USA (2015)

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