1. The chance to be part of a dynamic, multidisciplinary department (Equal first for “world-leading” output among broad-spectrum Bioscience Departments in the last RAE) Superb research facilities including the innovative Technology Facility, housing more than £8m of state-of-the-art equipment in key technologies visit http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/biol/tf/
2. Opportunities to develop multidisciplinary interactions with colleagues across the biological spectrum, and with other departments with which we have strong links, such as Chemistry, Environment, Mathematics and the Hull York Medical School Mentorship and the opportunity to develop skills and experience of value in academia, industry and beyond A supportive environment. The Department’s values of collegiality, openness and flexibility benefit all its researchers and have just gained us a silver Athena Swan award for our support of women in science
3. An attractive campus environment 2 km from the centre of one of the most beautiful cities in Britain
4. For further information please visit: