Mexican Government scholarships 2010


1. Scholarships are awarded for specialization studies, master’s degrees, doctorates, and medical specialties, postgraduate research and postdoctoral visits, visits for artistic creation and for visiting professors and experts, high-level lecture visits, professional internship programs for visiting professors and postgraduate mobility.

2. This Call for scholarships and grants shall be open from April 22 through August 31, 2009, and online registration of candidatures shall be done from July 15 to August 15, 2009

3. The general conditions of the scholarships offered by the Foreign Ministry through its General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation are contained in the Rules Applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarships, the text of which can be found at the end of this Call.

4. Scholarships are awarded for specialization studies, master’s degrees, doctorates, and medical specialties, postgraduate research and postdoctoral visits, visits for artistic creation and for visiting professors and experts, high-level lecture visits, professional internship programs for visiting professors and postgraduate mobility.

5. Scholarships are not granted for preparatory courses, distance studies (virtual mobility), supported open learning, or for Direct Doctorates (Master’s and Doctorate integrated programs).

6. The institutions and programs which comprise this Call can be viewed at the following webpage:

7. Submit candidature on the corresponding application form (Application Form A or B) within the specified deadline. Both forms are included in this Call.

8. Have the official proposal from the government of the candidate’s country that forms part of Application Form A.

9. Have a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or doctorate, depending on the type of studies for which they are requesting the scholarship or grant.

10. Have a minimum GPA of 8, on a scale of 1 to 10, and in the event of a different scale, they must submit the equivalent.

11. Have the academic acceptance of the receiving Mexican institution.

12. Meet the requirements specified in this Call. Neither incomplete dossiers nor original documents shall be received.

13. Return to their home countries upon termination of the scholarship and remain there for at least a time period similar to the duration of the scholarship in Mexico.

14. For postgraduate- level research scholarships, the candidate must submit the letter of acceptance issued by the Mexican institution with curricular credit acknowledgement.

15. Selection Criteria

a. Academic excellence of the candidate in the area intended to be studied at a Mexican institution.

b. A congruent relationship between candidates’ academic and professional backgrounds and the area in which they wish to specialize in Mexico.

c. Importance of the studies and their direct influence on the development of the candidate’s country.

d. Reintegration of candidates into their countries’ labor market on completion of the scholarship.

e. Connection between the studies and specific projects underway or already approved, as well as their impact on the development of candidates’ countries.

f. A projection of the specific application of the knowledge acquired.

More Details :

Post-doc Position in International Business


1. Uppsala University, Sweden, Department of Business Studies Post Doc Research Position in International Business.

2. The Department of Business Studies at Uppsala University invites applications for post doctoral research positions in international business [IB].

3. The position is for 3 years, it offers highly (international) competitive salary and it includes founding for travel and conference attendance. The position will be effective sometimes in Fall 2009.

4. There are no teaching or administrative responsibilities, but some degree of participation in the undergraduate and the doctoral programme can be offered.

5. Candidates must possess a doctoral degree in international business or closely related fields received after January 2006 but no later than July 2009.

6. The successful candidates must demonstrate a strong commitment to scholarly research and publishing.

7. They are also expected to actively engage in research seminars and similar activities at the Department of Business Studies.

8. The International Business Group and the Department of Business Studies (

9. Uppsala University (; Contact and Application procedure: Interested candidates should send an Email including their Curriculum Vitae, a one page statement of research interests, maximum three copies of key publications, and letters of reference to:
Assistant Professor Francesco Ciabuschi,
Closing Date: 15/06/09

PhD Studentships in Computer Science


1. PhD studentships (six) are available in Computer Science at Swansea University, with funding of up to 12,940 GBP stipend plus fees.

2. UK candidates are eligible to apply for all six studentships.

3. Overseas and EU candidates ARE eligible for some of the studentships.

4. Potential candidates should preferably have a first-class Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a cognate discipline, or an equivalent qualification.

5. To ensure consideration for an award, please apply to the University for admission as a PhD student in Computer Science:

6. Closing date: 15th June 2009

7. Separate application for an award is NOT required. Candidates should however discuss possible topics with potential supervisors before the end of June.

8. Queries may be addressed to Dr Arnold Beckmann

9. Decisions concerning awards are expected by mid-July.

10. For further details of our research, see:

Postdoctoral Positions in Medical Imaging

1. Postdoctoral positions are available in IDEA lab ( ), UNC-Chapel Hill, NC.

2. Position 1 (One Position on Breast MRI Analysis): The successful candidate will be expected to develop novel enhancement segmentation and classification methods for significantly improving the specificity of dynamic MRI in detecting and diagnosing breast cancer.

3. The successful candidate should have a strong background on Electrical or Biomedical Engineering, or Computer Science, preferably with emphasis on image registration, segmentation, and classification. Experiences on deformable registration, adaptive segmentation (i.e., graph cut), and non-linear classification are highly desirable.

4. Position 2 (One Position on Brain Image Segmentation): The successful candidate should have a strong background on Electrical or Biomedical Engineering, or Computer Science, preferably with emphasis on image analysis, or computer vision.

5. Experience on medical image segmentation and analysis is highly desirable. People with machine learning background are particularly encouraged to apply.

6. Knowledge on neuroscience and programming background (good command of LINUX, C and C++, scripting, and Matlab) are desirable.

7. The research topic will be the development and validation of tissue segmentation and subcortical segmentation methods for brain image analysis.

Postdoc in main group metal catalysis

1. Main group metal catalysis in C-C-bond forming reactions is an area of research that has drawn only little interest in the past, despite its potential ecological and economical benefits. The research in our group focuses on the development of new synthetic methodology applying Calcium complexes.

2. We are currently inviting applications for a postdoctoral researcher.

3. Candidates should have experience in metal organic and synthetic organic chemistry.

4. Good communication skills (English and German), creativity and enthusiasm to help establishing new research areas within our young and emerging workgroup are mandatory.

5. Application letter, CV, and list of publications, preferably by email to:

Meike Niggemann

Closing Date: 30.06.2009

RWTH Aachen,
Institut für Organische Chemie,
Landoltweg 1, 52074 Aachen, Germany

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