1. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University invites applications for a tenure-track position in environmental microbiology.
2. We seek outstanding candidates working on genomic approaches to complex microbial systems present in either the engineered or the natural environment.
3. The successful candidate will be involved in cross-school initiatives between the Engineering, Science, and Medical Schools and should be eager to work in multidisciplinary collaborations.
4. Applicants should submit their application electronically as a single PDF document containing: a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a one-page summary of previous research contributions, a three-page description of plans for future work, a one-two page description of teaching interests, and a list of at least three persons who will write letters of recommendation.
5. Application materials should be submitted to the Search Committee Chair via the web interface located at http://www.civil.northwestern.edu/employment/microbiology.html or via
email at a-levy@northwestern.edu .