Universidad Salamanca POS-DOCTORAL GRANT


1. Applications are being accepted for a Post-Doctoral Grant to work in the European Project “Advanced Magnetic nanoparticles deliver smart Processes and Products for Life”, at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Sciences.

2. University of Salamanca, Spain.

3. Duration: 12 months with the possibility of renewal until the end of theProject (June, 2013).

4. Starting date: Expected to be on October 2009

5. Project description: Development of techniques, procedures and devices(pilot and laboratorial scale) of magnetic separation and classification in order to be able to use specially functionalized magnetic nanoparticles in pharmaceutical and food product applications.

6. Individual Profile: PhD in areas related to the thematic of the project (asfor example: Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Biological Engineering, Chemistry, Materials, Physics, etc.).

7. Documentation to send: detailed Curriculum Vitae, presentation letter,photocopies of academic certificates and passport. It is not necessary to authenticate the photocopies which will be validated against the originals in a later phase of the evaluation process.

8. Criteria for seriation: The candidates will be evaluated according to themerit of their academic and professional curricula. The pre-selected candidates may be called for an individual interview.

9. Reception of Applications: 29th of June until 31st of July of 2009

10. Address for application: The applications should be sent by registered mailor by email to: Prof. Dr. Paulo Aloísio Edmond Reis da Silva AugustoDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Sciences,University of Salamanca.

11. Plaza de los Caídos, 1-5, 37008 Salamanca, SPAINEmail: pauloaugusto@usal.es

12. Only the applications received until the end of the 31st day of July of2009, will be considered for evaluation.

Universidad Salamanca, PhD GRANT

1. Applications are being accepted for a PhD Grant to work in the European Project “Advanced Magnetic nanoparticles deliver smart Processes and Products forLife”, at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Sciences,University of Salamanca, Spain.

2. Duration: 12 months with the possibility of renewal until the end of theProject (June,2013).
3. Starting date: Expected to be on November-December 2009
4. Project description: Development of techniques, procedures and devices(pilot and laboratorial scale) of magnetic separation and classification in order to be able to use specially functionalized magnetic nanoparticles in pharmaceutical and food product applications.
5. Individual Profile: B. Sc. and/ or Master degree in areas related to thethematic of the project (as for example: Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Biological Engineering, Chemistry, Materials, Physics, etc.).
6. Documentation to send: detailed Curriculum Vitae, presentation letter,photocopies of academic certificates and passport. It is not necessary to authenticate the photocopies which will be validated against the originals in a later phase of the evaluation process.
7. Criteria for seriation: The candidates will be evaluated according to themerit of their academic and professional curricula. The pre-selected candidates may be called for an individual interview.
8. Deadline for applications: 29th of June until 31st of July of 2009
9. Address for application: The applications should be sent by registered mailor by email to: Prof. Dr. Paulo Aloísio Edmond Reis da Silva Augusto
10. Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Sciences,University of Salamanca.
11. Plaza de los Caídos, 1-5, 37008 Salamanca, SPAINEmail: pauloaugusto@usal.es
12. Only the applications received until the end of the day 31st of July of2009, will be considered for evaluation.

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