PhD fellowship in Australia


1. Beasiswa UNSW PhD Student Completion Scholarships are designed to enable PhD students in the final stages of their candidature, who have not received any scholarship or other financial support during their candidature, to spend uninterrupted time (up to 6 months) to complete their thesis. Up to 5 scholarships, valued at approx. $10,000 each were made available via a competitive application process for successful completion in Semesters 1 and 2 2009.
2. Duration and Funding:
a. Awards are available for six months
b. Scholarships are tax-free and will be paid fortnightly in arrears to a value of half of the standard APA (ie approx $10,000)
3. Eligibility: To be eligible for consideration of the award of a completion scholarship, applicants must:
a. not have previously held or be currently receiving any other scholarship (eg APA, APAI, EIPRS, Faculty or School scholarships) or any other form of financial support
b. be a currently enrolled PhD student at UNSW
c. enrol on a full-time basis in semester 2, 2009 (latest date for enrolment is 31 August 2009) and consistent with this enrolment status, work full-time on the thesis in semester 2, ie. devote 35-40 hours per week to candidature

PhD Interdisciplinary Programme in Structural, Computational and Chemical Biology

1. Two further studentships are now available for study on this programme. The programme offers opportunities to study at UCL, Birkbeck and NIMR, and to conduct interdisciplinary research in the fields of Structural, Computational, and Chemical Biology.
2. The four year structure comprises intensive training in the first year in all three disciplines, including lab rotations, providing the basis for an informed choice and an excellent platform for progress in the research project in years 2-4.
3. UCL and Birkbeck are located in Bloomsbury, in the heart of London. This provides an excellent opportunity to join in the professional and social life of the capital.
4. QualificationsAll applicants will be required to satisfy standard UCL academic and English language entry criteria, including minimum upper-second class (2.1) honours degree (or overseas equivalent) in a relevant subject.
5. Funding and eligibilityTwo studentships are currently available, funded by the MRC and the Wellcome Trust. Successful students will be awarded a tax-free maintenance stipend of between £15,510 – £20,191 per annum, and tuition fees paid in full at the home rate.

Funding information
Funding applies to:
EU applicants (including UK)
6. Administrative contact and how to apply:
All applicants must complete a UCL Graduate Student application form, a current CV and a one-page statement. For all details of the application procedure please visit the programme website:
Application deadline:
12 June 2009
More Details:
Programme webpages for further details

Doctoral position in Nutritional Sciences

1 The Nutritional Sciences Division (Kings College London) manages interdisciplinary research in Nutrition. Current research is focussed on obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk, diet and intestinal health and iron and zinc metabolism.
2 The Nutritional Sciences Division currently has one studentship (covering Home fees and stipend) available to start from October 2009.
3 Duration: 4 yearsFunding Source: King's College London Graduate School StudentshipApplication Closing date: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled
4 The successful candidate will be able to choose between the following two research areas:
a. 1. Diet and Cardiovascular Health (informal enquiries to Prof Tom Sanders,
b. Iron and Zinc Metabolism (informal enquiries to Prof Andrew McKie,
Applications are welcome from UK graduates, or students expecting to graduate in 2009, with either a 1st Class or 2.i honours degree (or equivalent) in a related subject.
To be eligible for this studentship candidates must meet the standard BBSRC funding eligibility requirements that can be viewed here
For further details and details on how to apply, please see the Nutritional Sciences Division web pages (
Stipend of approximately £15000 per year.
Administrative contact and how to apply:
For further details and details on how to apply, please see the Nutritional Sciences Division web pages (

Postdoctoral position in ecology

1. The candidate will be in charge of developing an applied research program co-funded by the Swiss National Sciences Foundation:
2. Grassland management: designing tomorrow's farmland for biodiversityThe successful candidate will work both in Swiss lowland farmland (high intensity, but revitalized cultivated matrices) and in Alpine grassland (rapidly intensifying, but biodiversity rich meadowland).
3. Candidates must be familiar with agro-ecological issues and justify of previous research experience in the field (assessed by a good publication record). They must master modern analytical techniques and software. Knowledge of grassland indicator taxa would be advantageous. Good knowledge of spoken and written English is prerequisite, while knowledge of German and/or French would be a plus for communicating with local farmers. Start: summer or autumn 2009.
4. The successful candidate is also expected to take part to teaching and minor administrative duties.
5. Application deadline is June 15th 2009. A mini-symposium with presentations and interviews of selected candidates will take place in Bern on August 28th 2009.
6. To apply: Send a letter of motivation, your CV including a list of publications, as well as the names, institutional addresses, emails and phone numbers of three references to

PhD in ECONOMICS - 2009, Siena

1. The University of Siena invites applications for the Graduate Program inEconomics. The University and the city offer a unique environment forstudy and research in Europe.
2. A maximum of 16 students will be admitted. The 8 most qualifiedcandidates will be awarded a four-year scholarship of about €10,500($16,500) per year, after tax, for a total of about $42,000 ($67,000),plus tuition remission. A limited number of students can take advantageof lodging offered by the University of Siena in the Post-GraduateCollege “S. Chiara” ( ) sitedin the historical centre of Siena.
3. The goal of the program is to train professional economists. Formerstudents hold positions as economists in the academia, in consultingbusinesses, and in national and internationals economic institutions,such as central banks and regulators.
4. The first two years of the Program are devoted to full-time courses. Allof these are taught in English, the official language of the Program. After fundamental training in Mathematics, Microeconomics,Macroeconomics and Econometrics, a full menu of specialized courses isoffered. Students are exposed to different theoretical andmethodological points of view, in order to be able to explore thefrontier of economics in an original way.
5. Students are also required toparticipate in research activities, such as economics seminars andworkshops. Admission to the second year is conditioned on the results ofall first year final exams. Starting from the second year, students willdevelop their own research, under the supervision of a faculty member.While working at their dissertation, students are encouraged toundertake periods of research in foreign academic institutions. In thiscase the scholarship is increased by 50%.

6. The doctorate is awarded afterdiscussion of an original piece of scientific work (which can be writtenin Italian or in English). For further information about the Program,please visit

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