Research position in sustainable chemistry

  1. A one-year research position, starting 1st of April (extendable to one additional year) is available in the Chemistry Department in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, in the field of NMR applied to Green Chemistry.
  2. The position is in the framework of the financed project - Study of intermolecular interactions in alternative solvents: A NMR based contribution to sustainable chemistry – ref. PTDC/QUI-QUI/098892/2008 (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia project 3599 – Promover a Produção Cientifica, o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Constituição de Redes Temáticas)
  3. The use of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as solvents is crucial to the majority of chemical processes but due to the negative impact on the environment, a huge research effort has been directed towards finding alternatives, one of the most promising alternative media to VOCs are ionic liquids.
  4. Well-established rules and correlations for the behavior of molecular liquids cannot be transferred to ILs in a straightforward way and the peculiar features of molecular interactions between charged particles requires a careful rethinking of the basic concepts of solvation in these media. In order to build a consistent molecular based interpretation of the solvent properties of ILs, as has been done over the years for conventional solvents, both theoretical and physical-organic research have to be combined with an experimental technique that delivers structural information at the atomic level: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy.
  5. Objective
  6. To perform a comprehensive and systematic NMR study of IL structure and solute/solvent interactions using a protocol based on liquid and SS NMR.
  7. The research is centered in the use of NMR techniques in tandem with molecular modelling to study the physical chemistry of molecular interactions in ILs. The project will be perfomed in the Chemistry Department of FCT – Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Campus Caparica) (liquid NMR and HRMAS) and in the Chemistry Department of Universidade de Aveiro (SS NMR and HRMAS) On a first stage the properties of pure ILs will be studied. Interactions between cations and anions will be studied using liquid NMR, HRMAS NMR and solid-state NMR techniques: a) Multinuclear diffusion NMR experiments using the PGSE experiment in the liquid state or under HRMAS; b) NOESY and 1H, 19F-HOESY or 1H, 31P-HOESY experiments; c) Multinuclear T1 and T2 relaxation studies; d) SS NMR will be used with IL with a melting point higher than room temperature in order to compare the type of interactions detected in the solid state with those found on the liquid state.
  8. On a second stage, the methodology described before will be adapted to study the effect of co-solvents in the IL structure. These studies will be performed in parallel with the study of the solvation behavior of selected molecules with distinct functional groups. Researchers will have access to all equipments within the Portuguese NMR network (
  9. Scientific Supervision: Prof. Eurico J. Cabrita and Doutor Luís Mafra
  10. Requirements for the position are a master diploma (or related degree) in Chemistry, Physics, material science or related fields. Preference will be given to candidates with previous experience in NMR and/or research in the field of ionic liquids.
  11. Salary: 980 €/month
  12. Researchers will be contracted in full-time in accordance with the regulations for the advanced formation of human resources from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology FCT-MCTES  ( and the grants regulations from Fundação da FCT/UNL.
  13. Applicants should send: Detailed Curriculum Vitae, motivation letter and at least one letter of reference by email to Prof. Eurico Cabrita (
  14. Prof. Eurico J. Cabrita
Departamento de Química
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
2829-516 Caparica
Tel. (+351) 21 2948358
Application deadline: 9th March 2010
Selection criteria: Master thesis, previous research experience and achievements, and reference letters. Relevant candidates will be called for an interview.

Fellowship in Chemistry: Green chemistry and NMR 2010

  1. A one-year research position, starting 1st of April (extendable to one additional year) is available in the Chemistry Department in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, in the field of NMR applied to Green Chemistry.
  2. The position is in the framework of the financed project - Study of intermolecular interactions in alternative solvents: A NMR based contribution to sustainable chemistry – ref. PTDC/QUI-QUI/098892/2008 (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia project 3599 – Promover a Produção Cientifica, o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Constituição de Redes Temáticas)
  3. Motivation: The use of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as solvents is crucial to the majority of chemical processes but due to the negative impact on the environment, a huge research effort has been directed towards finding alternatives. One promising alternative media to VOCs is supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2).
  4. Although scCO2 has received much attention as a green alternative to conventional VOCs the solvent behaviour of CO2 is still not well understood on a microscopic level. A basic understanding of the solvent attributes of CO2 is extremely important for the prediction and design of CO2 soluble materials to expand the utilization of CO2 as a sustainable solvent, alternative to VOCs. In order to build a consistent molecular based interpretation of the solvent properties of scCO2, both theoretical and physical-organic research have to be combined with an experimental technique that delivers structural information at the atomic level: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy.
  5. To perform a comprehensive and systematic NMR study of solute/solvent interactions in scCO2 in order to rationalize the origin of “CO2-philic” effects
  6. Strategy And Methodology: The research is centered in the use of NMR techniques in tandem with molecular modelling to study the physical chemistry of molecular interactions in scCO2. The project will be perfomed in the Chemistry Department of FCT –Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Campus Caparica).
  7. On a first stage we will be focused on the study of simple model compounds containing specific functional groups. The specificity and relative quantification
  8. Objectives for this stage are:
  9. a) establishment of a NMR protocol for the identification and quantification of site specific interactions under high-pressure CO2 conditions, using model compounds;
  10. b) systematic study of the differences in hydrocarbon and perfluorocarbon interactions with CO2 On a latter stage, larger and more complex systems will be investigated. The methodology will be extended and adapted to study micelar salvation (solubilization) and particularly the formation and characterization of water-in- CO2 (W/C) micele systems.
  11. Researchers will have access to all equipments within the Portuguese NMR network (
  12. Scientific Supervision: Prof. Eurico J. Cabrita and Doutora Teresa Casimiro
  13. Requirements for the position are a master diploma (or related degree) in Chemistry, Physics, material science or related fields. Preference will be given to candidates with previous experience in NMR
  14. Salary: 980 €/month
  15. Researchers will be contracted in full-time in accordance with the regulations for the advanced formation of human resources from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology FCT-MCTES ( and the grants regulations from Fundação da FCT/UNL.
  16. Applicants should send: Detailed Curriculum Vitae, motivation letter and at least one letter of reference by email to Prof. Eurico Cabrita (

Prof. Eurico J. Cabrita
Departamento de Química
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
2829-516 Caparica
Tel. (+351) 21 2948358
Application deadline: 9th March 2010
Selection criteria: Master thesis, previous research experience and achievements, and reference letters. Relevant candidates will be called for an interview.

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