- Closing date for application: 30th of March 2010.
- Both, unsuccessful and shortlisted applicants will be notified by email.
- Applications should be sent by 30th of March to dezso.david@insa.min-saude.pt
1. Main research field: Thrombotic disorders
2. Fellowship conditions: The first year of the fellowship is financed by the FCT project entitled “The ethiology and pathogenesis of venous thrombosis in the Portuguese “in risk” population: From clinical manifestations to identification of hereditary risk and protective factors as well as exogenous or ambiental factors”. Further funding of this Postdoctoral fellowship (an additional 2 or 3 years) can be obtained through an individual application of the postdoctoral fellow with the research group to the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) postdoctoral grants (BPD;
3. Additional details of the fellowship are available at the same site. The amount of the fellowship is 1.495€/month.
4. Development, transfer and/or implementation of new molecular and/or biochemical tools, including gene expression and genome-wide association studies, to be used in the screening and in-depth characterization of patients affected with thrombotic disorders.
5. Qualifications and Experience: Candidates need to have a PhD degree, and will be selected based on their experience in a field related with the topic of the application, publication record, motivation, interview performance and “abilities assessment” (only for short-listed applicants).
6. Applications should include a CV, a motivation letter, a one-page synopsis of current research, and the names and contacts of at least two senior researchers for reference (optionally including recommendation letters) and can be submitted in Portuguese or English.
Dezsö David Ph.D.,
Department of Genetics
National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge
Av. Padre Cruz, 1649-016 Lisboa
Fax: (+351) 217526410
Telephone: (+351) 217519322