Postdoctoral position/PhD position on Imaging Genetics in cognition

  1. A 3 years research position to identify genes implicated in brain imaging traits is available in the group of Dr Stéphanie Le Hellard (University of Bergen and Haukeland University Hospital).
  2. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with the BETULA project group at the University of Umeå University, Sweden (Profs Lars Nyberg and Lars Göran Nilsson).
  3. The candidate will be in charge of the analysis of a whole genome association scan (GWAS) performed in a sample of individuals phenotyped for cognitive and brain imaging traits. The initial findings will be replicated in independent samples.
  4. The successful candidate should have knowledge and/or experience in human genetics, in statistical genetics, in brain imaging, in handling large sets of data using packages such as GenABEL, PLINK or R, and be fluent in english.
  5. The research environment is highly suitable for the execution of this project with expertise in both large-scale genetic studies in Bergen and large-scale collection of imaging datasets in Umeå.
  6. The research position could be attributed to either a PhD candidate or a postdoc depending on the most suitable candidate for the position. 

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