PhD positions

1. Bangor University Department: Linguistics and English LanguageWeb Address:
2. The 125th Anniversary Research Scholarships at Bangor University. To celebrate its 125th anniversary, Bangor University is launching a five yearprogramme of postgraduate expansion. This starts in 2009-10 when around £5m isinvested in up to 125 research studentships and bursaries, with furtherexpansion and more opportunities to apply for in the future.
3. In light of this, the School of Linguistics and English Language at BangorUniversity welcomes notes of interest from potential PhD students in areasrelevant to our current research, including but not limited to:
Bilingualism (e.g. for phonetics/phonology of code-switching, prosodicinfluences on perception of foreign accent, corpus-based research, code-switching) .Contact: Prof. Ineke Mennen (i.mennen@bangor. and/or Prof. MargaretDeuchar (m.deuchar@bangor.
Phonetics and phonology (e.g. laboratory phonology, phonetic variation,articulatory settings, phonetics in interaction, speech prosody and intonation,in particular Welsh phonology and Welsh intonation).Contact: Prof Ineke Mennen (i.mennen@bangor. and/or Dr Paul Carter(p.carter@bangor.
Language and cognition (e.g relationship between language and cognition,cognitive linguistics, forensic linguistics, experimental psycholinguistics, andlinguistic relativity).Contact: Prof. Vyv Evans (v.evans@bangor. and/or Dr June Luchjenbroers(junel@bangor.

PhD position in Control and Power

1. A fully funded PhD studentship in the Control and Power group here at Imperial College London.
2. The general area of research would be wide-area monitoring and control of power systems.
3. The applicant should have a post-graduate degree (MSc, MEng) or equivalent in Electrical/Electronic Engineering with a strong background and interest in power system stability, control and modelling and simulation in general.
4. Candidates having BEng or equivalent degree with exceptional background and proven ability in the above areas are also encouraged to apply.

PhD Position in international business

1. Aston Business School, a triple accredited Business school and one of the leading schools in the UK is offering a number of doctoral bursaries/ Graduate Teaching Assistant positions.
2. Anyone interested in pursuing doctoral work in the area of international business, international finance or economics should in the first instance
contact Professor Nigel Driffield.
Economics and Strategy Group,
Aston Business School.B4 7ET
0121 204 3209fax 0121 204 3306

PhD Position

1. Aston Business School, a triple accredited Business school and one of the leading schools in the UK is offering a number of doctoral bursaries/ Graduate Teaching Assistant positions.
2. Anyone interested in pursuing doctoral work in the area of international business, international finance or economics should in the first instance contact Professor Nigel

Professor Nigel Driffield,Economics and Strategy Group,Aston Business School.B4 7ET0121 204 3209fax 0121 204 3306

Graduate positions available in biology

1. Chosen candidates will study the evolution of signaling networks usinggenomics, proteomics and bioinformatics tools.
2, Projects will aim atunderstanding the evolution of protein-protein interactions amongsignaling molecules and the role of gene duplication in shaping thesenetworks.
3, The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and itsrelatives will be used as models but other relevant species could alsobe used. We have tools to study protein-protein interactions on agenome-wide scale.
4. Our research is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research(CIHR) and the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante du Quebec (FRSQ).Research will be conducted at the Laval University Institut deBiologie Intégrative et des Systèmes (IBIS), in Québec City, Canada.IBIS hosts more than 30 researchers working in genetics, genomics andproteomics as well as organismic biology. Laval University is one ofthe oldest universities in North America and is a major researchinstitution in Canada.

4 year studentship in Nutritional Sciences

1. The Nutritional Sciences Division (Kings College London) manages interdisciplinary research in Nutrition. Current research is focussed on obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk, diet and intestinal health and iron and zinc metabolism.
2, In the 2008 RAE exercise 30% of research activity was judged to be world leading and 35% judged as internationally excellent. The Nutritional Sciences Division currently has one studentship (covering Home fees and stipend) available to start from October 2009.
3. Duration: 4 years Funding Source: King’s College London Graduate School StudentshipApplication Closing date: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled
4. The successful candidate will be able to choose between the following two research areas:
. Diet and Cardiovascular Health (informal enquiries to Prof Tom Sanders,
. Iron and Zinc Metabolism (informal enquiries to Prof Andrew McKie,

5. Applications are welcome from UK graduates, or students expecting to graduate in 2009, with either a 1st Class or 2.i honours degree (or equivalent) in a related subject. To be eligible for this studentship candidates must meet the standard BBSRC funding eligibility requirements that can be viewed here
6. For further details and details on how to apply, please see the Nutritional Sciences Division web pages (

PhD scholarship in psycholinguistics


1. The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics ( in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) offers a 3-year scholarship for research leading towards a PhD in the field of psycholinguistics.
2. The successful candidate will develop a dissertation project within the new Individual Differences in Language Production and Language Comprehension Group headed by Prof Antje Meyer.
3. The project will be supervised by Dr Falk Huettig ( The precise nature of the project will be agreed in collaboration with the successful candidate, but it should concern the interaction of visual, conceptual, and linguistic processes during language production and/or comprehension or the determinants of individual differences in language production or comprehension skills.
4. The research may involve a variety of methodological approaches, including the use of eye-tracking and neuroscience techniques.
5 University Graduate, applicants should have a good first degree in Psychology or a related discipline.
6. Organization Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
7. Conditions of employmentEmployment basis: Temporary for specified periodDuration of the contract: 3 years

Additional conditions of employment:
The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. The business of the institute is conducted in English.
8. Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Dr Falk HuettigE-mail address:
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
Applicants should send their CV, a short statement of research interests, an example of their writing, and the names and contact details of two referees by email to:
You can apply for this job before 28-05-2009 by sending your application to:
The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Dr. Falk HuettigPO Box 3106500
AH NijmegenNederland
E-mail address:

Postgraduate fellowship in Computer Science

1. The School of Computer Science is offering a Welsh medium postgraduate scholarship in Computer Science, funded under the Welsh Medium National Development Scheme, to commence on 1st October 2009.
2. Funding is available for up to five years, including three or four years as a doctoral research student and an additional year as a teaching fellow.The postgraduate scholarship will cover the cost of university tuition fees (at the Home/EU rate of £3300 for 2009/10) and will provide a maintenance grant of £12600 per year. Applications are invited from potential researchers in the broad area of Computer Science, which can include visualisation and modelling. The successful candidate will also be required to undertake some Welsh medium teaching for the School as a condition of the award.

3. The School of Computer Science is part of the University’s College of Physical and Applied Science. It has seven full-time academic members of staff who teach and research in a wide variety of areas, eg Visualisation, Pattern Recognition, Modelling & Simulation.
Details of the research interests of individual members of staff, and of the undergraduate and postgraduate courses currently offered by the School, can be found at
The successful applicant will:

Post-doc in intestinal inflammatory responses

POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS are available for research on intestinal inflammatory responses. Projects include:
1) T cell homeostasis and immune responses in murine models of intestinal inflammation. We focus on mechanisms mediating T cell trafficking and activation to understand how these contribute to intestinal immune function.2) Immunological pathways implicated in human inflammatory bowel disease. We utilize both primary human cells as well as murine models to better understand the mechanisms wherein pathways implicated through genetic studies (e.g. Nod2, IL-23/Th17 pathway) contribute to intestinal immune homeostasis and increased susceptibility to intestinal inflammation.
Postdoctoral positions: Candidates must have a PhD or equivalent degree with a strong background in immunology and/or molecular biology and biochemistry. Experience in cellular and molecular immunology, multiparameter flow cytometry, gene expression analysis, murine models of disease and transgenic/knock-out mouse-related work is desired.
Application: Please send curriculum vitae, three names of reference and a one page summary of research background and interests to Clara Abraham, M.D. (

PhD studentship

1.  Cambridge ESOL, part of the Cambridge Assessment Group (Europe’s largest assessment agency) wishes to provide funding for potential graduate students who would like to enter one of the PhD programmes offered by the University of Cambridge, Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics (hereafter RCEAL) in the area of English and Applied Linguistics and/or Computational Linguistics.
2. The scholarship is offered to inform the English Profile Programme (EPP) and as part of RCEAL’s contribution to the second phase of the EPP. The PhD candidate would investigate criterial, discriminative linguistic features of the different Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) proficiency levels, exemplified in the Cambridge Learner Corpus (CLC) and other learner texts being gathered as part of the EPP.
3. For further information about the EP visit
4. An appropriate candidate for the PhD studentship will have a good first-class honours or equivalent degrees in an applied linguistics or computational linguistics area. An ability to conduct searches in a tagged and parsed corpus is essential. Further expertise in computational linguistics and in statistics is a clear advantage.
5. For information about research carried out at RCEAL please visit
6. For information on entry requirements and admission procedures to the University of Cambridge, please visit
7. Cambridge ESOL Scholarships are highly competitive and are awarded to citizens of the United Kingdom and the European Union as well as citizens of any country outside the European Union. The award is for a three year PhD programme and will cover fees and maintenance for a University of
8. Cambridge arts PhD studentship (up to a total cost of £25,000 per annum).
Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, a successful application to the aforementioned programme, and a good fit between the candidate’s research proposal and the goals of the EPP. Applicants are encouraged to email the Graduate Secretary at for more detailed instructions before submitting their applications.
9. The award is for a three year PhD programme 01/10/2009 to 30/09/2012.
Closing date: 31 May 2009.
10. The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
11. The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK

Studentship value

Studentship value: £13,290 for maintenance + £3,390 for fees per annumExpected start date 1 October 2009
We (the Software Systems group, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex) are developing a toolkit for connecting places, identities, groups, and trust measures in pervasive computing scenarios. Places may be tagged or otherwise identifiable using hand-held devices. Identities may be pseudonyms and have various relationships with groups, including membership. Trust relationships can be expanded to consider relevance, affinity and other concepts and supported by scores, evidence of interaction and comments.There are a number of open questions that arise from this toolkit that could form the basis of a PhD program of research. One set of questions is about forming languages to manage preferences on what is seen and what is revealed when browsing an environment described in such a way - particularly with respect to sensed data and comments. Such environments include markets, where trader reputation and quality of goods are described; art galleries where opinion about and interaction with pieces may be possible; and teaching situations where concepts, activities and artifacts are presented and discussed; many other situations are possible. Another set of questions are possible around the presentation control system that would reflect evolving social relationships, location, group memberships, time, and device limitations etc. The following will need to be developed to address these questions: conceptual models; run-time sensing and data sharing infrastructure; and user interfaces (with the emphasis balanced to reflect the skills and interests of the researcher).
The project would also relate to other ongoing research in the group on augmented reality, trust, provenance, identity, context awareness, sensor networks and data mediation — and in particular the “Supporting Shy Users in Pervasive Computing” and “Pervasive Computing Support for Market Trading” projects
We are seeking a DPhil (PhD) student to help take this project forward. This studentship would be funded for 3.5 years, funded by an EPSRC Doctoral Training Grant at the University of Sussex, under the supervision of Dr Dan Chalmers, Dr Ian Wakeman and Dr Geraldine Fitzpatrick. Applicants must have an MSc or a 1st class BSc degree in Computer Science or a similar qualification giving experience of issues such as distributed systems, web applications and mobile computing.
We invite applications from candidates eligible for EPSRC funds (described at The application process and further information about doctoral study at Sussex can be found at, while questions and expressions of interest should be directed to
Applications should be submitted by 12 June 2009.

PhD Position in ecotoxicology and evolution

A PhD position is available on the adaptive potential of molecularresponses to stress, of a freshwater snail exposed to pesticides.Position is opened in the group of Ecotoxicology and quality of aquaticenvironments, UMR ESE 985,
Rennes, of the French National Institute forAgricultural Research (INRA).
The project is proposed in the context of population ecological riskassessment and pesticide use. Evolutionary processes are only recentlyincorporated as a relevant dimension into these research issues. Suchprocesses are difficult to predict, due to the diversity of theirpotential determinants, among which: (i) activated mechanisms ofphysiological and molecular defence, (ii) interactions, (iii)relationship with other traits, including those related to fitness, (iv)potential cost, (v) population characteristics, including history ofexposure, population size and level of genetic variability.Specific issues addressed in this project relate to the components ofvariation observed at the level of biochemical and molecular systemsactivated in response to pesticide stress, in a freshwater snail,/Lymnaea stagnalis/.
We are specifically interested in estimating theadaptive potential of such systems (enzymatic activity, expression ofgenes involved in the antioxidant pathway and in less specific stress)*.The amount of genetic additive variation will be estimated usingquantitative genetics (experimental lines), and adaptive divergencebetween populations will be searched for by comparing contrastedecotypes, using common-garden experiments. Fitness-related traits willbe jointly measured, in order to estimate possible costs and trade-offs.*depending on fundings obtained, the project may be extended to geneexpression at a larger scale (transcriptomics)./
Salary: the project is currently submitted to several national /regional grant sources, including INRA’s “Young Researcher Contract”,which includes both a 3 year PhD funding and a 2 year postdoc funding.
Expected start date is September 2009. If interested, please send(before June 1st ): CV, documentation of undergraduate grades, namesand addresses of two referees and a statement describing the reason(s)for your interest in this research to:

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