1. Bangor University Department: Linguistics and English LanguageWeb Address: http://www.bangor.ac.uk/linguistics/
2. The 125th Anniversary Research Scholarships at Bangor University. To celebrate its 125th anniversary, Bangor University is launching a five yearprogramme of postgraduate expansion. This starts in 2009-10 when around £5m isinvested in up to 125 research studentships and bursaries, with furtherexpansion and more opportunities to apply for in the future.
2. The 125th Anniversary Research Scholarships at Bangor University. To celebrate its 125th anniversary, Bangor University is launching a five yearprogramme of postgraduate expansion. This starts in 2009-10 when around £5m isinvested in up to 125 research studentships and bursaries, with furtherexpansion and more opportunities to apply for in the future.
3. In light of this, the School of Linguistics and English Language at BangorUniversity welcomes notes of interest from potential PhD students in areasrelevant to our current research, including but not limited to:
Bilingualism (e.g. for phonetics/phonology of code-switching, prosodicinfluences on perception of foreign accent, corpus-based research, code-switching) .Contact: Prof. Ineke Mennen (i.mennen@bangor. ac.uk) and/or Prof. MargaretDeuchar (m.deuchar@bangor. ac.uk).
Phonetics and phonology (e.g. laboratory phonology, phonetic variation,articulatory settings, phonetics in interaction, speech prosody and intonation,in particular Welsh phonology and Welsh intonation).Contact: Prof Ineke Mennen (i.mennen@bangor. ac.uk) and/or Dr Paul Carter(p.carter@bangor. ac.uk).
Language and cognition (e.g relationship between language and cognition,cognitive linguistics, forensic linguistics, experimental psycholinguistics, andlinguistic relativity).Contact: Prof. Vyv Evans (v.evans@bangor. ac.uk) and/or Dr June Luchjenbroers(junel@bangor. ac.uk).