Development of Ultraperfomance-Liquid Chromatography: PhD studentship available in metabolomics

A D. Phil project is available in analytical chemistry/biochemistry to investigate metabolite profiles in samples of human urine in order to identify biochemical markers of kidney damage. Development of Ultraperfomance-Liquid Chromatography: PhD studentship available in metabolomics

Bio-interfaces using Raman spectroscopy and force spectroscopy: A Postdoctoral position

The researcher will support the development of experiments combining AFM and Raman spectroscopy to characterize P. fluorescens biological interphase during biofilm development. It will also provide scientific and technical support to various current research projects related to bio-interfaces in the LCPME.
Profile and experience sought:
Ph.D. in chemistry / physics / biophysics
Experience in atomic force microscopy
Experience in vibrational spectroscopies (Infrared, Raman)
Foundation in programming (Matlab or C + +)

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