PhD position in Protein Engineering

  1. A graduate studentship leading to the award of a PhD is available from 1 October (or later) to work at the Biochemistry Department at Cambridge University (with Dr F. Hollfelder) and at MedImmune's Granta Park Site (with Drs. D. Lowe, L. Jermutus. and R. Minter).
  2. The research project will involve work on protein engineering methods that take advantage of compartmentalisation in water-in-oil microdroplets. There is a strong interdisciplinary component, as devices for droplet handling will be self-made in the Cambridge Nanoscience Centre. The project will be supervised jointly by academic and industrial advisors and experimental work carried out both at the University and at MedImmune.
  3. Limit of tenure: Up to 42 months

Postdoctoral position in Protein chemistry

  1. A post-doctoral research position is available in the group of Professor David Klenerman in a collaborative project with Professor Simon Davis at the University of Oxford. The project aims to exploit novel fluorescence based methods to probe the interactions between proteins on the surface of living T-cells, at the level of individual molecules, and determine the initial key molecular events that lead to T-cell triggering.
  2. Applicants should have (or be about to receive) a PhD in biophysical chemistry or biophysics or a related area, and have a proven track record in fluorescence studies of biomolecules. Previous experience in performing single molecule experiments is also highly desirable.
  3. Vacancy Reference No: MA06577  Salary: £27,319-£35,646
  4. The post is available from June 2010. Applications should include a CV, publications list, contact details for three professional referees, and a completed form

Postdoctoral Research Associates position in Colloidal Systems

  1. Two post-doctoral research associates are required to work with Professor Daan Frenkel on the development of novel Monte Carlo simulation techniques to understand the structure, phase behaviour and kinetics of polymer-functionalised colloidal systems, in particular DNA-coated colloids.
  2. Applicants should have a PhD in theoretical chemistry or physics, must have a strong track record in Monte Carlo simulations of soft materials (in particular, polymeric systems) and should have experience in developing novel computational tools.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in India

  1. Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships are awarded to scholars who have completed a Ph.D. and wish to do research in India.
  2. Awards will not be made if it has been greater than five years since completion of a doctoral degree.
  • One round-trip excursion airfare from the place of affiliation in Canada to the place of affiliation in India by the most direct and least expensive route
  • A living allowance of Rs 21,600 per month
  • An accountable research allowance of Rs 5,400 per month (receipts and expenditure statements required)
  • A reimbursement of affiliation fee up to a maximum of Rs 8,000 (to be reimbursed by the Shastri India Office on presentation of receipts)
  1. Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships are for a minimum of three to a maximum of twelve months. The awards are made for the April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012 period, however fellows cannot travel to India before the Government of India grants its approval. Fellowships for successful applicants are subject to approval of their research topics/areas by the Indian Consulate or High Commission closest to their city of residence.

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in immunology/ molecular biology in Paris, France

  1. Applications are sought for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships to join the Lymphocyte Population Biology Unit at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, to work on the European
  2. Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant funded project “Role of Quorum Sensing mechanisms in the Immune System’s regulation”. The successful applicant(s) will be involved in a project that aims to investigate 1) the role of “quorum-sensing” mechanisms in the homeostasis of naturally activated and memory B cell populations, or 2) the role of “quorum-sensing” mechanisms associated with the homeostasis of naïve and regulatory T cells.
  3. We welcome two highly motivated and gifted scientists with interest in molecular and cellular immunology to join us.
  4. Essential requirements for this post include a PhD or equivalent degree in biomedical sciences and scientific accomplishments in immunology, molecular biology, genetic engineering and/or autoimmune mouse models.

Indiana University, Research position in Theoretical Chemistry

  1. PhD or postdoctoral experience in statistical mechanics, quantum chemistry, or molecular modeling is required. 
  2. Proficiency in English and at least two of mathematics, physics, and computational methods are required. 
  3. Opportunities for postdoctoral research in the theory of classical and quantum nanosystems are available. 
  4. Applications received before July 31, 2010 will be given highest priority.
  5.  Send brief statement of interest, cv, and three letters of recommendation to
Dr. Peter Ortoleva (e-mail:, or to: Department of Chemistry, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN  47405
  1. For further information please visit our Web portal at

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