PhD position in Fish Ecology, Spain

1. We are looking for a motivated candidate to apply for Spanish Ph.D. studentships to develop a Ph.D. thesis on the ecology of an invasive fish (Gambusia holbrooki), mainly life-history studies and ecological niche modelling, under ongoing projects at the University of Girona, Spain.

2. See  for further details and publications

3. Requirements:

a. Recent B.Sc. or M.Sc. degree on Biology, Environmental Science or related topics.

b. good academic record

c. English fluency

4. Possibility of immediate incorporation through ongoing funded projects.

5. Interested people send CV to Emili GarcĂ­a-Berthou:
1. Applications are now open for the 2010-11 awards

2. The Charles Wallace India Trust is an arts, heritage conservation and humanities scholarship fund. It supports talented Indians in the early or middle stage of their careers to spend focused time in the UK, helping to achieve their artistic, professional or academic ambitions.

3. These awards also give good opportunities to make international connections

4. The Trust invites applications for the year 2010 - 2011 for the following:

d. Grants towards the cost of the penultimate or final year of Doctoral Study at a UK university:


Doctoral Study Grants at UK Universities by the CWIT funded by British Council in India


1. Applications are invited from Indian nationals pursuing doctoral studies at UK universities who are in their penultimate or final year. Three or four grants are given every year, currently of £1000. They are intended as a contribution towards the costs of completing a doctorate.

2. Admission Criteria: Applicants should:

3. Be Indian citizens, domiciled and resident

4. Be between 25 and 38 years

5. To have a good knowledge of English

6. Be in the penultimate or final year of their doctoral studies at a UK university

7. Not have received a CWIT grant within the last five years

8. Application requirements:

9. Applications should be made by e-mail to the Secretary of the Charles Wallace India Trust at .

Short term Research/Professional Visiting Fellowship for 2009 by British Council for the Indian Citizens in India

1. Every year the Trust makes between 10 and 15 grants towards the costs of short visits to the UK by academic research scholars and professionals.

2. These grants are intended as contributions towards the in UK costs of a visit lasting between three weeks and a month. Applicants planning to stay longer are advised to supplement this grant from other sources.

3. They do not cover international fares. It is worth noting that researchers planning to use libraries such as the British Library can often prepare extensively by using online sources.

4. Applications are considered from those who are undertaking archival research, consulting UK colleagues, preparing material for publication Preference is given to post-doctoral applicants. Grants (currently £1000) are made at the discretion of the Secretary of the Trust.

5. Eligibility: Applicants should:

a. Be Indian citizens, domiciled and resident

b. Be aged between 25 and 45

c. Have a good knowledge of English

d. Have completed their studies and have had four or more years of research or professional experience in their area of specialization

e. State clearly what they wan to do in the UK and how they plan to use the experience on their return to India

f. Not have received a grant from CWIT within the last five years

6. Application procedure:

7. Applications should be made either directly to the Trust by email or through the British Council in India. They should include the following:

a. A brief CV including your e-mail address and postal address

b. A statement of what you want to do in the UK and for academic researchers which sources you want to consult (maximum 2 3pages)

c. The names and e-mail addresses of two referees who are familiar with your work

d. An assurance that you are within the eligible age range and have not received a grant from the Trust within the last five years

8. No form is required

9. Applications for 2010 can be submitted throughout the year up to 15 January 2010. Decisions will be made by late March and no later than early April 2010 .

10. Fellowship deadline: 15 January 2010

11. More details:

Short-Term Lectureships 2009 (German scholars-DAAD-Germany)

1. DAAD offers Short-Term Lectureships for German scholars in all fields for a period of for a period of one to six months for the 2009 session in North America
2. US and Canadian universities may apply for shared financial support to host German scholars in all fields to teach for a period of one to six months.
3. This program is designed to facilitate the process of hosting an international scholar for the purposes of sharing the talents of highly qualified German scholars in specialized fields, filling a curricular gap, or acting as a stimulus for teaching and research in the department concerned.
4. Award details:
a. The host institution must provide an honorarium of US $2,200 / CAN $2,200 per month, as well as office facilities with equipment and assistance with housing.
5. DAAD helps to defray living expenses and other costs for the lecturer. Funds cannot be made available to replace faculty on sabbatical.

6. How to apply:
a. A full description (in German) of this program with application guidelines and forms can be found at

7. Application deadline:

a. 1.September 24, 2009 (for applications received by July 16)

b. 2.November 26, 2009 (for applications received by September 17)

8. Applications are accepted at any time and must be received in Bonn at the DAAD head office at least 10 weeks prior to a review meeting in order to be considered at that meeting.

The Massey University Mathematics Scholarships to Undergraduate Students for the 2010/11 session in New Zealand

1. The scholarship shall be known as the Massey University Mathematics Scholarship. The value of the scholarship will normally be $1,000 tenable for one year, but on occasion this may be split between two equally deserving candidates.

2. The scholarship shall be awarded to a student who achieved well in the Semester 1 100 level mathematics paper (160.102) who meets the eligibility requirements stated in Regulation 4.

3. Eligibility:
4. To be eligible for the award of the scholarship students must be enrolled full time for the BSc degree and meeting the 100 level majoring requirements in mathematics at Massey University (Palmerston North Campus) and indicates in his/her letter of application a desire to continue his/her study of physics.

5. How to apply:
Applications close with the Scholarships Office, Graduate Research School on 30 July in the year that the ward is to be made. Applications are available from Massey Contact, email:

7. For application form refer to

8. Applications will NOT be accepted more than 3 months in advance of the closing date.
9. Application deadline:
30th July, 2010

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