1. Our research interests are in the area of non-aqueous biocatalysis. Specifically, we study the effect of organic solvents on the stability and catalytic properties of a class of enzymes known as serine proteases and lipases.
2. This area of study is health relevant because it enables the use of enzymes for the synthesis of chiral drugs and drugs precursors.
3. Several different spectroscopic techniques are used (H/D exchange by NMR and FTIR, EPR, FRET, Fluorescence anisotropy decay, and 19F NMR). Recently, we also began to explore methods to stabilize and to enhance the cell transfection of siRNAs. SiRNAs are small (about 20 bases) double stranded RNA fragments that have been recently discovered to be very effective gene regulators. This new project involves working with mammalian cells, chemically modifying siRNA and synthesizing a variety of cationic polymers to stabilize and transfect the siRNAs.
4. The position being advertised is for an individual with a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry.
5. Expertise in NMR and spectroscopic methods is desirable, as well as in chemical kinetics.