The PhD student will be working in the BIOPRO2 research center
(BIO-based PROduction: TOwards the next generation of optimized and sustainable
processes, The scholarship is funded by Innovation Fund
Denmark and will be carried out at the Human-Centered Computing Section at DIKU
in collaboration with Technical University of Denmark, University of
The PhD candidate will work under supervision of Assistant
Professor Yevgeny Seldin on theoretical problems in online learning. The
primary goal is to derive algorithms that interpolate between various online
learning settings.
The PhD student will be working in the Human-Centered Computing
(HCC) section. The PhD scholarship will be carried out at DIKU in formal
collaboration with the Center of Informatics, University of Geneva
(Switzerland), Carnegie Mellon University (US), Stanford University (US) and
several partners in the Copenhagen area,
PhD student will be working in the Image Section at DIKU and be part of the
Centre for Stochastic Geometry and Advanced Bioimaging
(CSGB, The focus of the PhD position will be on modeling
and statistical analysis of shape change that occurs for example when the
anatomical structure of brains evolve as a result …
scholarship is offered within the areas of DIKU’s research sections: Algorithms
and Programming Languages (APL). The APL section does research in a wide range
of areas related to algorithms, programming languages and systems. It covers
theoretical and practical aspects of: foundations of computin
Center for Quantum Devices at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of
Copenhagen, announces the opening of a PhD position to develop nanowire crystal
based materials for superconductor-semiconductor hybrid electronic structures.
The project work will involve bottom-up nano-structured crystal growth,
top-down device fabrication, and structural and electronic
successful candidate must hold a relevant MSc degree. Experience with in vivo
models, bone biology or chronic pain research will be an advantage. Solid level
of English and good general communication skills are an advantage.
the official University of Copenhagen application submissions page, find the
entry with a deadline date of 08/03/15 that says “PhD Scolarships” and click.
At the bottom of that page, click on the link that says “APPLY NOW”. There are
many boxes in the application form that are not relevant for your application
so do not fill them out. Instead, write “NA – not applicable”.
projects is the “Role of epigenetic inheritance in rapid evolutionary
adaptation of invasive plants“.Applicants should have a deep interest in plant
invasions, plant evolutionary ecology and evolution and hold a Master degree
(or equivalent) in the relevant research fields (e.g. plant ecology,
evolution). Applicants are expected to have relevant laboratory experience, and
an interest in the design and analysis of ecological experiments.
combination of simulation techniques will be used, including classical
molecular dynamics, structure optimisation, statistical mechanics approaches
for calculating free energies, and ab initio quantum mechanical calculations
with Density Functional Theory (DFT). Most importantly, the DFT calculations
will be performed at unprecedentedly large scales, on entire nanostructures
consisting of thousands of atoms by using the ONETEP linear-scaling DFT
program. The use of full quantum mechanical models is essential for
quantitative (and sometimes even qualitative) understanding of electronic
polarization and charge transfer which are ubiquitous in chemical processes.