1. A number of studentships are available on the BBSRC 4-year PhD Interdisciplinary Programme in Chemical, Structural, Computational and Cell Biology, for entry in September 2010. The programme is run jointly by the ISMB at Birkbeck and UCL.
2. The first year of the programme will provide both training in the principals of biological sciences at the ISMB, and the opportunity to begin your own research. The student carries out two 4-month rotations, one with their PhD project leader, and the other with a collaborating scientist in a complementary field. These rotations will provide you with the interdisciplinary and technical expertise to develop your PhD project.
3. The student also receives training from leading experts on elements of Structural, Computational, Cell and Chemical Biology and tuition in the skills needed to be an effective research scientist, including presentation skills, how to read and write a scientific paper and time management.
4. Years 2-4 of the programme are devoted to the PhD research project. You will give annual presentations to report on your progress and will have other opportunities to present your latest findings.
5. Candidates should have a first class or 2:1 MSci in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Computer Science, or any relevant area of the biological or physical sciences.
6. For further details of the programme, student eligibility and all details of the application procedure please visit the programme website: http://www.ismb.lon.ac.uk/bbsrc_studentships.html
7. Applications for entry in September 2010 must be received by 5 pm on Friday 19th February 2010.
8. Informal enquiries can be made to the Academic Coordinator, Dr Carolyn Moores (c.moores@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk)