Find suitable PhD, Post doctoral and other research position throughout the world
Research in Molecular Biology for experienced fellow
IIT Madras faculty position (Assistant Professor ) March 2011
Development of Ultraperfomance-Liquid Chromatography: PhD studentship available in metabolomics
A D. Phil project is available in analytical chemistry/biochemistry to investigate metabolite profiles in samples of human urine in order to identify biochemical markers of kidney damage. Development of Ultraperfomance-Liquid Chromatography: PhD studentship available in metabolomics
Bio-interfaces using Raman spectroscopy and force spectroscopy: A Postdoctoral position
Profile and experience sought:
Experience in vibrational spectroscopies (Infrared, Raman)
Foundation in programming (Matlab or C + +)
AUSTRALIA: Southern Cross University Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
Science and Materials Technology: Research grant for master Students avaliable
Science and Materials Technology: postdoctoral position avaliable
Rondebosch, South Africa: Supramolecular Chemistry, A postdoctoral grant available at University of Cape Town
Uppsala, SWEDEN: Two PhD positions in Statistics at the Department of Statistics is available.
Uppsala, SWEDEN: PhD student position in physical chemistry with focus on molecular nano solar cells
Bergen, Norway: Research fellow (PhD candidate) in fish biology
We are seeking a highly motivated and responsible candidate who is expected to contribute independently to the final PhD plan. Applicants must have achieved a master’s degree or equivalent in fisheries biology, fish biology or equivalent or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the formal admission requirements for the PhD programme are met before appointment can be made.
Grimstad Norway: Professor in Mechatronics at the Faculty of Engineering and Science
As part of the Department of Engineering, the Mechatronics Group consists of 18 people, including four professors, four associate professors, four lab technicians, one postdoctoral fellow and five PhD research fellows, with a new associate professor and several PhD research fellows in the process of being appointed.
The group is responsible for the BSc, MSc and PhD programmes in mechatronics at the
Germany: Synthetic Organic Chemistry Postdoc position at Technical University Munich
We are looking for motivated and broadly interested individuals with significant future potential. Flexibility and the ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment on multiple scientific and infrastructure projects focused on innovative proteomic concepts are essential. Communication and presentation skills are also important. We offer an open and stimulating scientific environment, a range of exciting projects, modern laboratories and state of the art research equipment.
MSc -Clinical Research and Integrated MSc.-Ph.D in Clinical Research at Jamia
Postgraduate courses in Occupational therapy and Physiotherapy at Jamia Hamdard
Denmark: Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics at Aarhus University
A postdoc position is available immediately or from as soon as possible.
Inverse Problems and Imaging mathematical sciences postdoctoral position in Canada
Forcing and its Applications: Postdoctoral positions in Mathmatics - Postdoctoral positions - PDF Positions
Qualified candidates who will have a recent PhD in Forcing and its Applications or a related area of the mathematical sciences are encouraged to apply. Deadline to apply is December 15, 2011.