Biomolecular Studentships for PhD and Postgraduate

PhD student:-background in biophysics, biochemistry, mathematics or related discipline, candidates must be already in an official PhD program or enter a PhD program starting October 1, 2011

MSc student: -three years of college completed by September 2011,
-background in physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science or related discipline

-net monthly fellowship 1000 PLN (not subject to income tax), position available for up to two years,

Research position for postgraduate 2011 at South African


  1. The South African Research Chair in Property Law has the following positions available for full-time postgraduate research students in Property Law for 2011:
Full-time LLD (3 years): 4
Full-time LLM (2 years): 4
  1. Requirements to qualify for one of these positions:
  2. For the LLM positions you have to be in the final year of your LLB degree (four year or postgraduate) in 2010, scheduled to complete the degree at the end of 2010. For the LLD positions you must already hold an LLM degree or be scheduled to complete it by the end of 2010.
  3. South African citizens will be preferred.
  4. Students must be willing and able to study full-time and to live and work in Stellenbosch. Work space is provided on the premises of the Research Chair in the Law Faculty.
  5. Special interest in Property Law is required. Students who completed Property Law electives in their LLB or who did an LLM in Property Law will be preferred.

Carbonate cluster chemistry, phd position at University of Hong Kong

Our group at the University of Hong Kong would like to advertise for several fully funded PhD positions in the field of carbonate cluster chemistry.

As part of this PhD the student will learn how to apply FT-ICR mass spectrometry as well as a suite of different quantum chemical methods to better understand carbonate clustering and solvation reactions as well as identify key carbonate cluster structures. Successful applicants will join a dynamic, research-oriented department with strong collaborative links to the Physics, Chemistry and other natural science departments as well as new high-performance supercomputing facilities on campus.

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