Find suitable PhD, Post doctoral and other research position throughout the world
A position is open for a Post-Doc Fellowship in the framework of the project of Cell Physiology & NMR
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences
Academic Degree Required: Ph. D. degree in Biochemistry, Biochemical Engineering, Biotechnology, or related areas. Expertise in NMR of bacterial cells and metabolomics will be an important pre-requisite.
Other Requirements:
- High motivation and commitment to scientific work.
- Training in the area of Microbiology
- Ability to perform independent work
- Good English language skills.
A position is open for a Post-Doc Fellowship in the framework of the project “Proteomics of cell division”
A position is open for a Post-Doc Fellowship in the framework of the project “Proteomics of cell division” (FCT, PTDC/BIA-MIC/098637/2008
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences/Microbiology
Academic Degree Required: Ph.D. degree in Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, or related areas. Laboratory experience in Microbial Genetics, Cell or Molecular Biology is an important pre-requisite.
Other Requirements:
- Strong motivation and commitment to research.
- Previous work experience in Microbiology, Genetics, or Cell or Molecular Biology.
- Experience in bioinformatics.
- Experience in fluorescence microscopy and the quantitative analysis of fluorescence data (MatLab, ImageJ, Metamorph).
Environmental Technologies BI Position
The Center for Marine Sciences of Algarve, Environmental Technologies Group, open to award a research grant, the project PTDC/QUI-QUI/109970/2009, called "Separation by Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Rare Metals Precious and from Chlorinated Complex Matrices. Potential Application Process Recycling and Environmental Preservation ", funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Project 3599 - Promoting Production Scientific and Technological Development Thematic Network and the Constitution.
1) Possess degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Biotechnology Engineering or related areas.
2) Good level of spoken and written English.
3) Letter of motivation necessarily written in English.
1. Note degree (25%);
2. Experience in general laboratory and scientific areas of the project (25%);
3. Participation in communications at scientific meetings and articles (25%);
4. Interview and / or references (25%).
PhD position in organometallic polymerization catalysis
Organic Synthesis (Research Associate position) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry is required. A strong background and demonstrated experience in synthesis and characterization of organic compounds are required. The candidate must be able to work independently and have good oral and written communication skills.
Eligibility Requirements
* Degree: Doctoral Degree received within 60 months or currently pursuing.
* Affirmation: I certify that I have completed coursework towards a degree in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or a related field.
Synthesis and design of metal complexes, supported on nano-size mesoporousmaterials, as heterogeneous catalysts for gas-liquid phase hydro-isomerization and oxidation with O2 reactions of hydrocarbons
One research grant is available for Master fellows within the framework of the I&D project
Synthesis and design of metal complexes, supported on nano-size mesoporousmaterials, as heterogeneous catalysts for gas-liquid phase hydro-isomerization and oxidation with O2 reactions of hydrocarbons
Requirements: Master in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering or related areas
Work plan:
(i) Nonporous materials preparation and synthesis of new metal complexes for new class of hybrid heterogeneous catalysts.
(ii) Characterization by FT-IR, NMR, TGA, SEM, TEM and XRD
Environmental chemistry Fellowship (BI/Master) in Portugal
The environmental risk of metal mixtures will be assessed using a unicellular alga. The work aims to:
1) quantify the dynamic metal speciation of single metals and metal mixtures in presence of small ligands.
2) study the bioaccumulation of the single metals and the metal mixtures in the presence of the ligands using the alga: evaluation of the rate limiting step on the uptake.
3) characterize the water samples collected on the Tagus estuary (Portugal).
Neuroscience supports for innovative research
More Information: Neuroscience supports for innovative research