CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, a national laboratory of CSIR invites applicatiors in Chemical and Biological Soences for August 2012 session.

The main research areas include: Speciality Inorganic and Nano Materials,  Catalysis & Adsorption,  Salt & Marine Chemicals, Coordination Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry,  Polymer &  Membrane Sciences,  Renewable Energy, Wasteland Research,  Marine Biotechnology,  Molecular  Biology,  Stress Genomics & Proteomics,  Transgenics,  Metagenomics, Extremophiles, Marine Macro/micro Algal Phylogenetics and Taxonomy, Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology, and Environmental Sciences. 

CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, a national laboratory of CSIR invites applicatiors in Chemical and Biological Soences for August 2012 session.

Post-doctoral research position in Theory of Quantum Matter

The research group ‘Theory of Quantum Matter’ in the unit for Condensed Matter and Quantum Optics, in the Department of Physics at Stockholm University, invites applications to a post-doctoral position within the general area of the research done in the group. At present, our group consists of four permanent members, a junior researcher and five Ph.D. students.
We study various forms of quantum matter, in the context of solid state systems, as well as artificial ones, such as those that are formed in ultra cold gasses, and certain states in quantum-optics. The methods we use range from numerical and symbolic computations to quantum field theory calculations utilizing advanced concepts from geometry and topology. The successful candidate will have expertise in at least one of the research areas of interest for our group, and is expected to be able to do independent work, work in collaboration with other group members and participate in the supervision of Ph.D. students.

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in UK

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant (Gait & Vision) within the Bradford School of Optometry and Vision Science. As part of this role you will be expected to look after „day-to-day‟ running for the NIHR funded project (10/3009/06) “Manipulating the appearance of steps and stairs to maker them safer for older people to negotiate”. You will also be expected to present findings at national and international conferences and be responsible for preparing „first drafts‟ of research output documents. A PhD in a relevant subject or a related discipline and/or professional qualifications in an appropriate area is essential. 
More Details: http://pdf.doldum.org/position-in-europe/postdoctoral-research-assistant-gait-vision-at-bradford-school-of-optometry-and-vision-science/

Hydrology and Water Resources Management PhD position

The ideal candidate will have a MSc degree in either civil/environmental engineering, physics or earth sciences. He/she has a strong background and interest in numerical methods and experience in their application for simulation (coding skills are required), computational physics, advanced statistical analysis, fluvial geomorphology, or a combination thereof. He/she will be in charge of field measurements in the Erlenbach. Excellent knowledge of English is a prerequisite. We are looking for an independent thinker but also a communicative person able to work in a team of about 10 other PhD students and create synergies.
More Info: http://phd.doldum.org/europe/phd-position-in-the-hydrology-and-water-resources-management/

PhD in Environmental Chemistry at Stockholm University

General Info: Environmental chemistry is the science in which, refined natural or anthropogenic inorganic and organic chemicals and materials are studied in relation to their sole or combined impact on, and interaction with biological and non-biological systems in our global environment. This is the definition of "Environmental chemistry" as thought at MMK.

At present two courses are offered at a basic level and two at the advanced (master) level. The courses provide a useful foundation for both postgraduate studies and a professional career, nationally and internationally.


More Info: http://phd.doldum.org/environmental-chemistry/phd-in-environmental-chemistry-at-stockholm-university/

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