1. DAAD offers Short-Term Lectureships for German scholars in all fields for a period of for a period of one to six months for the 2009 session in North America
2. US and Canadian universities may apply for shared financial support to host German scholars in all fields to teach for a period of one to six months.
3. This program is designed to facilitate the process of hosting an international scholar for the purposes of sharing the talents of highly qualified German scholars in specialized fields, filling a curricular gap, or acting as a stimulus for teaching and research in the department concerned.
4. Award details:
a. The host institution must provide an honorarium of US $2,200 / CAN $2,200 per month, as well as office facilities with equipment and assistance with housing.
5. DAAD helps to defray living expenses and other costs for the lecturer. Funds cannot be made available to replace faculty on sabbatical.
6. How to apply:
a. A full description (in German) of this program with application guidelines and forms can be found at http://www.daad.de/ausland/lehren-im-ausland/dozenten/00686.de.html
7. Application deadline:
a. 1.September 24, 2009 (for applications received by July 16)
b. 2.November 26, 2009 (for applications received by September 17)
8. Applications are accepted at any time and must be received in Bonn at the DAAD head office at least 10 weeks prior to a review meeting in order to be considered at that meeting.
9. More details: http://www.daad.org/page/50133/
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