1. Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology has responsibility for the following disciplines: civil and environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, petroleum engineering, geology and mineral resources engineering and marine technology. The Faculty has 10 Departments (http://www.ntnu.no/ivt), about 750 employees, 3000 Master students, and about 400 PhD candidates.
2. 2 PhD scholarships in Petroleum Engineering/Applied Geophysics (IVT-117/09)
3. The PhD candidates will do their studies in one of the department´s research areas: Applied Geophysics, Drilling, Production or Drilling.
4. Applicants must normally have a M.Sc. degree in Petroleum Engineering or Applied Geophysics, but a background in Physics and/or Mathematics may also qualify. Normally the studies will take place in Trondheim.
5. Included in the application should be a brief statement of the applicant´s research interests. More information may be obtained from Professors Jon Kleppe (jon.kleppe@ntnu.no) or Martin Landrø (martin.landro@ntnu.no), tel. +47 73 59 49 25.
6. Conditions of appointment: Applicants must hold a relevant Masters degree. Candidates with other relevant background may be required to take some extra courses.
7. Engagement as a PhD candidate is done in accordance with current appointment regulations with supplementary rules in force giving guidelines for scholarship appointments in universities and university colleges.
8. The goal of each of the announced positions is to obtain a PhD degree. Applicants are obliged to engage in an organized PhD training program, and appointment requires approval of the applicants plan for a PhD study within three months from the date of commencement. A contract of employment will be set up for the engagement period regulating the rights and duties of the PhD student. See http://www.ivt.ntnu.no/studier/doktorgrad/english/ for more information.
9. PhD candidates follow code 1017, grade 45 - 51, gross NOK 355 400 to NOK 394 200 per annum (before tax). PhD candidates are normally remunerated at wage level 45. There will be a 2 % deduction to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund from gross salary.
10. The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants.
11. The fellowship is awarded for 4 years with 25 % duties for the Department.
12. The positions adhere to the Norwegian Government's policy of balanced ethnicity, age and gender. Persons with immigrant background and women are encouraged
13. to apply. The application must contain information of educational background and work experience. Copies of transcripts and reference letters should be enclosed.
14. An application inclusive CV, grade transcripts and other enclosures are to be submitted via the link “Apply for this job”. Mark your application with ref.no. IVT-117/09.
15. Preferably, we want the attachments in one file. Application deadline: 20.10.2009.
Reference: http://www.ivt.ntnu.no/studier/doktorgrad/english
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