Postdoctoral position in Quantum chemistry

1.      A postdoc fellowship is offered in the field of quantum chemistry in the Institute of Chemistry, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
2.      The main goal of the project is to study photochemical reactions proceeding via conical intersections. Work will involve localization and characterization of conical intersections (CI), quantum chemistry calculations of potential energy surfaces (PES) and their couplings as well as quantum dynamics simulations and control of the resulting reactions.
3.      The cooperation also serves for training of the PhD students in our complementary fields of expertise.
4.      Candidates should have a strong background in quantum chemistry and computational methods. Work will involve high level quantum chemical calculations using methods such as CASSCF, MRCI and etc. Calculations will be on gas phase molecules as well as on solvated ones.
5.      Please send your applications to:
Prof. Shmuel Zilberg
Department of Physical Chemistry,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel: 972-2-6585848
Fax: 972-2-5618033

6.      The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904 Israel.

PhD position in Fruit bioactivity and bioefficacy


  1. Epidemiological studies have consistently shown an association between the consumption of fruit and vegetables and a reduced risk of human diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Accordingly, there has been a focus on identifying components of fruit and vegetables responsible for the beneficial effects against a host of degenerative diseases.
  2.  Soft fruit species have been a specific focus due to their diverse polyphenol contents and composition. However, this work has generally been piecemeal and the transfer between in vitro to in vivo health studies often utilizing variable germplasm negating cross-comparability between the scales of efficacy. As part of the EU project, ClimaFruit, which aims to look at the impact of climate change scenarios on soft fruit production and quality, including putative health beneficial components, the student will employ intervention through to cellular model studies to establish soft fruit polyphenol human health efficacy and establish their metabolic fate and mechanisms of action. In conjunction with the two project post doctoral researchers the student will phytochemically characterize the project target fruit (raspberry, blackcurrant and blackberry) and determine the impact of (in vitro) digestion on phytochemical diversity and bioavailability.

Postdoctoral position in USA

1.      One experimental and one theoretical/computational postdoc for my recently funded Early Career Research Program award from the Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences.
2.       The positions are as members of a joint experimental/theoretical team focusing on the design of hydrogen production and hydrogen oxidation catalysts, similar to the enzyme hydrogenase.  Building on well understood nickel-phosphine catalysts with a single proton relay, the focus of the project is to develop, design, incorporate and characterize peptide-based proton channels (multiple proton relays) into homogeneous catalysts to enhance catalytic activity beyond that which can currently be achieved.
3.        Fully understanding the mechanism of the proton channel in enhancing rates will be an important goal.
4.      The experimental candidate will use air-sensitive techniques to synthesize the catalysts and peptide chemistry to build and incorporate the proton channels.  A variety of techniques, including electrochemistry, NMR, FTIR, XAFS, CD and GC will be used to characterize the structures of the catalysts and the proton channels, as well as catalyst activity.
5.      Modeling will be used to guide experimental design using Rosetta, as well as to develop and evaluate mechanistic insight into proton movement using multi-state empirical valence bond model (MS-EVB) or ab initio dynamics.
6.      The work will be carried out in collaboration with Dr. David Baker (University of Washington) ( and in synergy with the experimental (led by Dr. Dan DuBois) and theoretical (led by Dr. Michel Dupuis) work of the homogeneous catalysis group at PNNL as well as the Center for Molecular Electro catalysis at PNNL (led by Dr. Morris Bullock,
7.      To post your curriculum vitae for consideration, please go to and locate the appropriate Job ID: Postdoctoral Opening (experimental) Job ID:  118370
8.      Postdoctoral Opening (theory/computational) Job ID: 118371

Postdoctoral position in Food and Health


1.      A postdoctoral researcher is required to play a key role in the interface between researchers in Food and Health, based in Food Science and BioSciences facilities and the NMR spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry laboratories within the Analytical and Biological Chemistry Research Facility.
2.      Recent PRTLI (Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions) investment in the NMR and LC-MS infrastructure at this interface has been extensive; the role of this researcher is to liaise with each of the groups involved, ensuring that the maximum potential is achieved. This role will enable development of broad skills across a range of disciplines.
3.      PhD in Chemistry or a related discipline relevant to spectroscopic analysis of compounds
4.      Experience in HPLC
5.      Commitment to skills development
6.      Ability to interact with researchers from a range of disciplines
7.      Working in collaboration with spectroscopic services at the Chemistry - Biology interface in University College Cork
8.      Liaising closely with multiple PIs and researchers in the Analytical and Biological Chemistry Research Facility and Food and Health to maximise the potential of the research infrastructure across a range of health/food /pharma projects.
9.      Tasks will include
o       Maintenance and operation of spectrometers including LC-MS and other techniques,
o       Development of methods for sample preparation for analysis,
o       Coordination of samples and technical reports to a wide range of users,
o       H&S, training of postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers in sample preparation and use of technical services, etc

10        Application send to  Dr. Susan Rafferty-McArdle (
11        A letter of introduction detailing why you would be suitable for the position
12        Your C.V., highlighting relevant experience and qualification
13        Contact details and e-mail addresses for three people willing to provide a letter of reference
14        Only those candidates considered suitable for the post will be informed by return email.
15        Candidates considered suitable for the post will be required to attend for interview.
16        Closing Date for Applications: 1pm on Monday the 22nd of February 2010 

Ph.D. position in chemistry

1.      Our research group is a part of the Biointerfaces Programme at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Heidelberg University in Germany.
2.      We have several open Ph.D. positions. We are looking for highly motivated students majored in chemistry or polymer chemistry.
3.      In our research group, we have several projects focused on the development of biologically active functional polymer surfaces and materials, "smart" switchable polymer surfaces, and gradient surfaces that we use for fundamental investigations of biological interfaces, for studying cell- and bacteria-surface interactions and for studying biofouling.
4.      The motivation behind our research is: to learn how cells and bacteria interact with surfaces; to develop biocompatible, biomimetic and "smart" materials that can improve performance of existing biomedical or cell culture devices; and to use this knowledge and materials to achieve control over behavior of cells and bacteria on surfaces.
5.      Our research is very interdisciplinary and we closely collaborate with biologists and physicists from the Biointerfaces Programme launched at the KIT in 2010.
6.      Applications should be sent per email to Dr. Pavel Levkin (

PhD position in Ecology


1. The resilience of marine ecosystems is influenced by a number of human induced drivers, such as climate change, fisheries, eutrophication and pollution. Seabirds are marine top predators that are responding to, and sometimes themselves causing, changes in marine ecosystems.

2. Topic: Seabird responses to dynamic marine ecosystem changes

3. The PhD position(s) will deepen the understanding of such interactions and their implications for management of marine ecosystem services. Special focus will be on how changes in fish stocks affect different seabird species and how changes affect different life and breeding-cycle stages, including state-dependent variables (e.g. age, sex, reproductive stage).

4. This project will use fish stocks (mainly sprat and herring) and seabirds in the Baltic Sea as a case study to integrate state-dependant life history responses in predators and responses of ecologically similar predator and prey species with changes in abundance and condition of prey.

5. In addition, indirect impacts from changes in fish stocks will be addressed by studying density-dependent prey-mediated effects on predator health. The significance of such interactions for management of resilience and regime shifts in the Baltic Sea will also be addressed.

Postdoctoral position as Chemist


1. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory is providing solutions to scientific problems! Are you someone who can make a difference on our team?

2. We are currently seeking a Chemist Postdoctoral Fellow to join our Environmental Energy Technologies Division.

3. The Chemist Postdoctoral Fellow will direct and carry out fundamental spectroscopic and electrochemical research in the area of electrocatalysis, catalysis and nanoscience.

4. The person in this role will also characterize nano-structured electrodes and membranes from materials used in fuel cells, prepare research manuscripts, proposals and reports, assure smooth operation of the spectro-electrochemical laboratories within the building.

5. The Chemist Postdoctoral Fellow will:

a. • Develop and apply modern advanced spectroscopy and microscopy techniques and methodologies for the characterization, modification and control of electrode-electrolyte interfaces characteristic for PEM fuel cell systems.

b. • Perform in situ characterization methods such as, Raman, FTIR spectroscopy, near-field microscopy and spectroscopy, ellipsometry, Scanning Probe Microscopy, and electrochemical techniques for fundamental characterization of electrode/electrolyte interfaces and associated electrochemical processes.

c. • Combine surface characterization techniques into complex multiprobe systems to study the mechanism and kinetic properties of interfacial phenomena at micrometer or nanometer spatial resolution.

d. • Design and perform in situ and ex situ experiments with model thin-film nano-structured electrodes, develop methodologies for preparation of samples for basic spectroscopy and microscopy investigations.

e. • Carry out full analysis of experimental data. This includes applying computer analysis and simulation programs to interpret experimental data and characterize composite electrocatalysts.

f. • Develop innovative experimental approaches and analytical methodologies for the treatment of experimental data.

g. • Collaborate in the development of research proposals and new scientific initiatives.

h. • Prepare manuscripts, reports and presentations.

i. • Carry out collaborative research with LBNL scientists, research associates, post-doctoral fellows and students; participate in frequent meetings and discussions.

j. • Prepare materials for submissions and presentation to DOE and other agencies, as needed.

k. • Participate in and present results at selected meetings, workshops and seminars, as needed.

l. • Pursue professional academic society activities, as needed.

m. Qualifications:

• Recent Ph.D in the chemical or material sciences and demonstrated excellent level or proficiency in the application of surface characterization techniques to study electrochemical phenomena.

• Extensive experience in the use of surface spectroscopy and microscopy, near-field techniques, image processing, data simulation, modeling and numerical analysis of spectroscopic and microscopic data.

• Strong expertise and experience in experimental electrochemistry.

• The ability to work as an independent researcher with a high level of scientific judgment and initiative.

• Ability to participate in collaborative efforts as a member of a diverse research team.

• Excellent communication skills.

• Knowledge of electrochemistry of PEM fuel cell systems is desired.

• Familiarity with contemporary scientific issues in the field of energy conversion and storage is preferred.

• Ability to prepare materials for presentation at meetings and workshops, preferred.

• Proven organizational skills is preferred.

• Ability to work as a part of a team is preferred.

6. Notes

This is a full-time, one year appointment with the possibility of renewal based upon performance, business needs and continuation of funding.

7. Apply directly online and follow the on-line instructions to complete the application process. As part of the online application process, please submit a single attachment that includes both your resume or CV and a statement of your research interests. Please be sure to reference where you found out about the position.

8. Berkeley Lab is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer committed to the development of a diverse workforce.

9. Closing date: 12 April 2010

Post doc position in heterogeneous catalysis


1. The project involves work on the oxidation (or oxidative dehydrogenation) of medium to long chain linear paraffins (C6, C8) to higher value products.

2. The work involves collaboration between us, at UKZN, SASOL, Johnson-Matthey and the catalysis group in Cardiff (UK).

3. The post is based in Durban, but the successful candidate will probably also spend some time in Cardiff working with Prof. Graham Hutchings.

4. The candidate should, ideally, be familiar with:

catalyst synthesis

operating (and possibly constructing) fixed-bed reactors

mass and carbon balances

most standard characterization techniques for heterogeneous catalysts, such as IR, BET, PXRD, TPR, TPO, TPD etc.

the operation of g.c.’s

Advantages would be experience in oxidation catalysis, in-situ powder XRD and MAS (solid state) NMR (the latter two are available in house).

Candidates with experience in oxidation chemistry in high pressure reactors (autoclaves) will also be considered.

The candidate should have completed their doctoral degree.

5. To apply: Applicants should email their cv, together with a short application letter/email to Professor H Friedrich:

6. The University of KwaZulu-Natal is a top 500 university and one of the top five research universities in South Africa.

7. The School of Chemistry is very well equipped, as a scan of its homepage ( reveal, and has a strong, and growing, research profile.
8. Closing Date 19th March 2010

Postdoctoral Fellowship in supramolecular Chemistry

1. A postdoctoral fellowship for 2010 has been made available to the CSCR by the University Research Committee at the University of Cape Town.

2. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in projects in the field of supramolecular chemistry, including the synthesis and physicochemical analysis of (a) metal-organic frameworks for gas storage, (b) cyclodextrin inclusion complexes, polymorphs and co-crystals of pharmaceutical and agrochemical compounds, and (c) larger supramolecular assemblies with potential for guest storage and delivery.

3. Proficiency and recent experience in the use of the following techniques will be a requirement:
X-ray diffraction (on single crystals and powders)
Thermal analysis (HSM, DSC, TGA) NMR and
IR spectroscopy

4. Only applicants who attained the PhD degree no longer than 5 years ago, and who are not yet in academic or research posts and who have not had previous postdoctoral appointments are eligible.

5. Applicants who have not yet graduated with a PhD must provide proof that the PhD thesis has been submitted and such proof must be accompanied by a statement by the supervisor that the degree is likely to be awarded.

6. All South African and foreign candidates who meet the above conditions are eligible.

7. The fellowship is based on academic merit. The number and quality of the applicant’s peer-reviewed publications in a field relevant to the proposed research will be taken into account.

8. The fellowship is tenable for a period of 1 year. Applications for renewal for one further year will be considered. The fellowship value is fixed at R 185 000 for a full academic year. An additional R 15 000 will be available for conference attendance and/or travel costs.

9. The Fellowship carries no other benefits and a directive for tax exemption will be applied for on behalf of the successful candidate, who will be expected to undertake the agreed research as well as optional, but limited teaching duties, as part of professional development.

10. Successful candidates will not be expected to perform any service to a Department of the University of Cape Town in return for the Fellowship.

11. During the period of the Fellowship, the fellow is directly responsible to the designated principal investigators (Prof M R Caira, Prof S A Bourne and Dr C L Oliver).

12. As a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cape Town, the fellow is also responsible to the Head of Department and to the Dean of Science.

13. All postdoctoral fellows are subject to the policies, procedures and rules surrounding the postdoctoral sector at the University of Cape Town. The University of Cape Town reserves the right to cancel the award if the conditions are not met, and to effect changes to the conditions of the award.

14. Applicants should send an updated copy of their full CV by 31 January 2010 to indicating also the earliest date in 2010 on which they would be available.

15. Closing Date: 31 January 2010

Position for Laboratory Technician in spain


1. Applications are invited for a position of Laboratory Technician in the Esteve-ICIQ Unit at ICIQ (Tarragona).

2. Applicants should possess a degree in chemistry (or equivalent) and more than 1 year of laboratory experience.

3. The candidates should possess expertise in organic synthesis and the use of purification and analytical methods (chromatography, NMR, HPLC).

4. Good level of English language will also be considered.

5. The laboratory technician will be in charge of lab equipments, and also involved in the development of the ongoing scientific projects in the Unit, as the preparation of chemical libraries and scale-up of synthetic process.

6. We offer immediate incorporation.

7. Applications must include the following documents:

(i) Application letter with the candidate's reasons for applying to the Laboratory Technician position (include reference application)

(ii) CV
(iii) Description of previous laboratory experience
(iv) Name and contact addresses (e-mail) of two referees

8. Closing Date: 16 April 2010

9. Contact address

ICIQ -Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia
Tarragona, Spain

Postdoctoral position in computational chemistry 2010

1. A postdoctoral position in computational chemistry is available in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Aarhus, Denmark ( within the research group of Prof. Frank Jensen.

2. The position is for one year, with the possibility of extension for one additional year.

3. The position is within the field of quantum chemical/molecular modeling with the primary focus on method developments.

4. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in computational chemistry or a closely related field with experience using quantum chemical and molecular modeling software.

5. The applicant should have a proven experience with Linux and scientific programming in a high-level language such as Fortran or C/C++.

6. The applicant should be capable of independent research, and have strong written and verbal English communication skills.

7. Interested applicants should send a detailed CV, including a list of publications and contact information for references, by e-mail to

8. Application deadline is 15 February 2010.

PhD positions in Ireland


1. A good honours science degree, for PhD positions in the Theory Modelling and Design center at the Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland.

2. Within the "Self-Assembly and Molecular Recognition" group ( opportunities exist in the computational design of macromolecules (proteins, nanoparticles, nucleotides) for applications in medical diagnostics and therapeutics, to be funded through the competitive Embark Initiative (

3. Contact Dr Damien Thompson ( for more details.

Postdoc in computational chemistry


1. A postdoctoral position in computational chemistry is available in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Aarhus, Denmark ( within the research group of Prof. Frank Jensen.

2. The position is for one year, with the possibility of extension for one additional year.

3. Post.doc. position in computational chemistry, University of Aarhus, Denmark

4. The position is within the field of quantum chemical/molecular modeling with the primary focus on method developments.

5. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in computational chemistry or a closely related field with experience using quantum chemical and molecular modeling software. The applicant should have a proven experience with Linux and scientific programming in a high-level language such as Fortran or C/C++. The applicant should be capable of independent research, and have strong written and verbal English communication skills.

6. Interested applicants should send a detailed CV, including a list of publications and contact information for references, by e-mail to

7. Application deadline is 15 February 2010.

PhD position in Andhra Pradesh, India


1. Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) sponsored research project 'hydrothermal/solvothermal synthesis of luminescent microporous materials'

2. Junior Research Fellow

(Ref. No. 01(2325)/09/EMR-II)

3. Duration of project: 3 years

4. Qualifications: Master's degree in Chemistry with at least 55% marks and must be NET (JRF or Lectureship)/GATE qualified.

5. Fellowship: Rs. 12,000/- p.m. + HRA

6. Candidates should send their applications on plain paper furnishing the bio-data, copies of certificates in supports of age, qualification, experience etc., on or before January 30th, 2010 to Prof. M. Saratchandra Babu, Department of Chemistry, GITAM Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam-530045, Andhra Pradesh, India,

7. Email: or
Ref. ChemSeer

PhD position in USA


1. Applications are invited from enthusiastic and talented individuals for PhD positions in Membrane Biophysics to join the lab of Prof. David Gidalevitz at the Pritzker Institute of Biomedical Science and Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.

2. The research in this group focuses on designing functional mimics of biological membranes to understand the mechanisms of peptide/protein-membrane interaction and membrane fusion.

3. The successful candidate will be involved in one of two well-funded highly interdisciplinary projects:

4. The first project aims at developing novel antibiotic drugs, functional mimics of natural antimicrobial peptides.

5. We employ synchrotron surface X-ray scattering, fluorescence microscopy, and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques to study the mode of action and structure-function relationship of antimicrobial peptides and their mimics, using Langmuir lipid monolayers and lipid bilayers as models of biomembranes.

6. The project is collaboration with Stanford University and University of Pennsylvania.

7. The second project is a part of US Army funded collaborative research within the Center for Molecular Study of Condensed Soft Matter at the Pritzker Institute of Biomedical Science and Engineering and aimed at multi-scale modeling of the biological tissue. Successful applicant will be involved in design and characterisation of biological membrane mimics with cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix components using fluorescence microscopy, AFM, optical tweezers, and X-ray scattering techniques.

8. Applicants should have, or be expecting to obtain, a Bachelor or Master degree in Biophysics, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemical or Biomedical Engineering, and Engineering Physics or a related field.

9. Interested candidates should contact Prof. David Gidalevitz ( or Andrey Ivankin (

Ref. Chemseer

Postdoctoral position in Organometallic


1. Applications are invited for postdoctoral research assistant to explore the activation and functionalization of carbon dioxide using palladium catalysts, or the synthesis of new iron catalyts for olefin polymerization, with Professor Nilay Hazari.

2. The project will focus the design of new catalysts followed by mechanistic investigations to understand how the catalysts work and is for an initial period of 12 months.

3. The successful applicant will already have a PhD in Chemistry, or have submitted a thesis prior to taking up the appointment, and will have a strong background in inorganic or organmetallic chemistry.

4. Informal enquiries should be addressed to

5. Company/Institution: Yale University Location: New Haven

Postdoctoral position in Physics

Highlights: 1. We are seeking to fill two DOE-funded positions in the area of x-ray scattering. The areas of work include those which exploit the novel capabilities of modern x-ray sources, such as synchrotrons and the x-ray free electron laser.

2. One focus is on novel diffraction theories for structure determination of non-crystallized single biomolecules or ensembles of randomly oriented ones. Another is on surface x-ray diffraction, and possibly on the structure of liquid crystals. Opportunities exist for suitably qualified candidates for either experimental or theoretical work. One position is available for a year and a half in the first instance and the other for a year.

3. Both positions may be renewed for longer periods. A competitive salary and benefits package will be offered.

4. A Ph.D. in physics or a related area is required. Please contact Prof. Paul Lyman ( or Prof. Dilano Saldin ( Information about the Department and ongoing research is available at

5. Please submit: CV, names of 3 referees
6. Person to contact: Prof. P. F. Lyman or Prof. D. K. Saldin

7. Surface mail address: Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

8. Email address: or
9. Phone number: +1-414-229-4626 or +1-414-229-6423
Fax number: +1-414-229-5589
Start Date: 1 March 2010 (flexible)
Duration: 1-1.5 years (renewable)

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