1. The resilience of marine ecosystems is influenced by a number of human induced drivers, such as climate change, fisheries, eutrophication and pollution. Seabirds are marine top predators that are responding to, and sometimes themselves causing, changes in marine ecosystems.
2. Topic: Seabird responses to dynamic marine ecosystem changes
3. The PhD position(s) will deepen the understanding of such interactions and their implications for management of marine ecosystem services. Special focus will be on how changes in fish stocks affect different seabird species and how changes affect different life and breeding-cycle stages, including state-dependent variables (e.g. age, sex, reproductive stage).
4. This project will use fish stocks (mainly sprat and herring) and seabirds in the Baltic Sea as a case study to integrate state-dependant life history responses in predators and responses of ecologically similar predator and prey species with changes in abundance and condition of prey.
5. In addition, indirect impacts from changes in fish stocks will be addressed by studying density-dependent prey-mediated effects on predator health. The significance of such interactions for management of resilience and regime shifts in the Baltic Sea will also be addressed.
6. We are looking for 1-2 PhD students with a background in ecology and an interest in research with relevance for governance of marine resources. Successful applicants will use existing data and field studies (conducted at Stora Karlsö, Gotland).
7. At least one position will also involve laboratory techniques. The work will be linked to ongoing research within the Baltic Seabird Project and carried out in collaboration with researchers at the Department of Systems Ecology and the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University.
8. Terms of employment
The 4-year PhD project includes at least 3 years of research and at most one year of course work. The position may be extended by up to one year, if up to 20% teaching assistance or administration is included in the contract.
9. Qualifications
Applicants must have completed a research degree (e.g. Masters) or university study of 180 hp (3 years), with at least 120 hp (2 year) biological education including 15 hp in ecology or a corresponding course, and a 30 hp independent project in ecology or in a corresponding field.
10. The selection of a PhD student will be based on the assessed ability of the candidate to successfully complete the studies. The successful candidate should be enthusiastic about revealing the links between human resource use and impacts on the marine environment.
11. The project will include extensive fieldwork and make use of laboratory methods. It is therefore essential to have extensive experience in designing and supervising ecological field studies, preferably on seabirds. In addition it is desirable that one candidate is familiar with molecular ecology methods. Thorough knowledge of the Baltic Sea ecology is an advantage, especially regarding impacts of fisheries.
12. Mathematical and statistical skills as well as an interest in simulation modelling are merits. Previous experience with ringing and biological sampling of birds is preferred.
13. For one of the positions envisioned starting date is June 1, 2009, although Sept 1 2009 would also be possible. The other possible position may have a later starting date.
14. How to apply
Applications labelled “Doktorandprojekt ref.no. 14/2009" should be posted to the address below and be postmarked no later than May 2, 2009.
15. Applications should include a cover letter and a letter of intent (up to two pages), curriculum vitae, copies of degree certificates and transcripts of academic records (all attested), a list of two persons who may act as references (with phone numbers and email addresses), and three copies of the applicant's thesis/theses and peer-reviewed articles of which she or he is a co-author. The application may be written in English or Swedish.
16. The applications should be sent to:
Stockholm University
Dept. of Systems Ecology
Personalärenden/ B.Pol
SE-106 91 Stockholm
Additionally, the letter of interest, curriculum vitae and thesis (all as pdf or Word-files) must also be emailed, by the deadline above, to:
Further information:
Please contact:
Olof Olsson +46 (0)8 674 7748, olof.olsson@stockholmresilience.su.se
Henrik Österblom, henrik.osterblom@stockholmresilience.su.se
Union representatives are Bo Ekengren, SACO, Lisbeth Häggberg, ST and Gunnar Stenberg, SEKO (+46 (0)8 16 20 00). PhD student representative (e-mail: do@sus.su.se).
Application deadline May 2, 2009.
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