PhD fellowship in Environmental Economics

1.      The Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group of the Department of Social Sciences of Wageningen University is conducting theoretical and applied research to provide solutions of environmental problems and to support sustainable use of natural resources.
2.      For a PhD research project on international agreements for biodiversity management we are looking for an:environmental economist (M/F)The aim of research is to examine the emerging markets for biodiversity conservation and to define the criteria and requirements for an institutional structure under which a global market for biodiversity can efficiently function.
3.      The study will result in a proposal for a potential structure for an international payment mechanism. The research will explicitly consider the emerging markets for carbon credits from REDD (Reduced Emissions from Degradation and Deforestation) and it will involve several months of fieldwork in Indonesia.The research is carried out in Wageningen, and should lead to a PhD dissertation.~
4.      Requirements: You have an academic background as an environmental or resource economist with a completed MSc degree of excellent quality; a strong interest and experience in economic modelling and natural resource economics; good communicative skills and willingness to work in a team and travel abroad for case study work.
5.      Candidates with an environmental sciences background with strong mathematical skills and a good understanding of economics will also be considered.

6.      Conditions of employment: To begin with, a PhD appointment for a period of 18 months.
7.      Continuation of the appointment with another 30 months will be based on performance evaluation. Gross salary will increase from € 2042 in the first year upto € 2612 in the last year based on a full-time appointment (38 hours per week). You will be working in a pleasant environment in a dynamic, internationally oriented group.
8.      Additional information can be obtained from:dr Hans-Peter Weikard ( tel +31 317 482009 or dr Lars Hein (; tel +31 317 482993 Please do not use these e-mail adresses to apply. To apply, please use the button at the bottom of this page. Deadline of application: 1st of March 2010.
9.      Contract type: 18 months with a possible extension of 30 months
10.  Organisation: Wageningen UR (University & Research centre)       
11.  Delivering a substantial contribution to the quality of life. That's our focus – each and every day. Within our domain, healthy food and living environment, we search for answers to issues affecting society – such as sustainable food production, climate change and alternative energy. Of course, we don’t do this alone.
12.  Every day, 6,500 people work on ‘the quality of life’, turning ideas into reality, on a global scale. Could you be one of these people? We give you the space you need.For further information about working at Wageningen UR, take a look at
13.  For more information about the chairgroup Environmental Economics and Natural Resources,please have look at

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